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Plutonium Bomb Core "Pit" Production
LASG Letters, Bulletins, & Press Releases for concise summaries

LANL Technical Area 55 (Plutonium Facilities), looking south, with nearby canyons and labs. Former nuclear and chemical waste disposal (Area C, field to east of TA-55). Residences in foreground (Elk Ridge Trailer Park).

Nuclear Weapons Modernization: Current Articles and Issues

 • Video clips of key congressional hearings

 • Video of traffic leaving Los Alamos National Laboratory on NM State Road 4, Mar 24, 2022

 • Drone video of traffic leaving LANL on NM State Road 4, Mar 24, 2022

 • Aerial Photos of Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL) & surrounding areas, Apr & Jun 2021

Key documents

NNSA Administrator Jill Hruby remarks at Strategic Weapons, 21st Century Symposium, Apr 18, 2024

America's Strategic Posture: The Final Report of the Congressional Commission on the Strategic Posture of the United States, Oct 2023

NNSA-EM-Aging Infrastructure Management, TB23S26A, Sep26, 2023

NNSA Pit Production fact sheet, Jul 2023

Nuclear Weapons: Information on the NNSA's Research Plan for Plutonium Pit Aging, GAO-24-106740, Feb 29, 2024

Assessments of Major Projects, Report to Congressional Committees, GAO-23-104402, Aug 2023

Nuclear Weapons: NNSA Does Not Have a Comprehensive Schedule or Cost Estimate for Pit Production Capability, GAO-23-104661, Jan 12, 2023

Nuclear Deterrence Summit, Jan 31 - Feb 2, 2024
Selected presentations:
John Benner, Assoc Dir for Weapons Production at LANL, "Pit Production"
Dennis Carr, President & CEO, "SRNS Status, Progress, Staffing"
Thom Mason, LANL Director, excerpt from Jan 31, 2024 talk regarding possible LANL campus in Santa Fe, hiring, & housing
Christopher Yeaw, National Strategic Research Inst, Assoc ED, "Integrated Deterrence Considerations for the Nuclear Enterprise"

Congressional Commission on U.S. Strategic Posture Discusses Nuclear Deterrence, C-Span video & text, Feb 2, 2024

Selected photos

Nuclear Deterrence Summit, Feb 13-15, 2023
Selected audio recordings:
 • Jill Hruby, NNSA Administrator, keynote
 • Pit production panel
 • Marvin Adams, Defense Programs Update
Selected presentations:
 • David Beck, CNS, Pantex/Y-12 and the Enhanced Mission Delivery Initiative in the field
 • Don Cook, former NNSA, Enhanced Mission Delivery Initiative (EMDI)
 • Jay Tilden, NNSA, EMDI
 • Marvin Adams, Defense Programs Update
 • Rob Smith, Amentum, Diversity

 • LANL Transit Service Implementation Plan, LA-UR-24-23516, Apr 16, 2024

 • LANL Growth and Mission Support, Kelly Beierschmitt presentation to Los Alamos County Council, slides, video, Jul 18, 2023

 • Nuclear Security Mission Growth: A regional strategy for meeting operational challenges, LA-UR-23-22979, Mar 23, 2023

 • LANL Transportation Plan FY23, LA-UR-22-31888, Nov 9, 2022

 • LANL Transportation Plan FY23, LA-UR-22-31907, Nov 9, 2022

LANL Agenda, Jan 2024 update

LANL Agenda, LA-UR-23-21311, 2023 update
    LANL Lab Agenda Roadmap

LANL Agenda, LA-UR-22-20658, Jan 2022 update

LANL Agenda, LA-UR-21-20301, Jan 13, 2021
(LASG recvd both of the above docs by FOIA)

LANL's Campus Master Plan (CMP) & related documents
 • Requested under FOIA, but not received
 • LANL 2021 "Campus Master Plan," LA-UR-22-21424, Jan 2022 (not the CMP), LASG recvd this document by FOIA, Aug 11, 2022)
 • LANL's "Campus Master Plan," briefing, Feb 8, 2022
 • LANL "Campus Master Plan" Communication Strategy, Nov 2, 2020
 • LANL "Campus Master Planning" presentation, Jun 18, 2020

 • DOE/NNSA Proposal for an Innovation Campus, Midtown Santa Fe, Oct 31, 2019

NNSA letter to HASC Chair Adam Smith re: unfunded priorities, Apr 12, 2022

 • LA-UR-23-33320, 2022 Climate Change Vulnerability Assessment and Resilience Plan Summary, Nov 29, 2023

 • LA-CP-22-20631, 2022 Climate Change Vulnerability Assessment & Resilience Plan, Nov 6, 2022

 • NNSA Evolving the Nuclear Security Enterprise, Sep 2022

NNSA Pit Production Contingency Plans, Report to Congress, obtained by FOIA, Oct 2021

LANL Pu Operations FY22-FY28 Program Management Plan, obtained by FOIA, redacted, Sep 2021

 • Research Program Plan for Plutonium & Pit Aging, Report to Congress, redacted, Sep 2021

NNSA Admin Jill Hruby letter to Rep Liz Cheney re: LANL pit production, Aug 25, 2021

DNFSB Staff Report, Conceptual Design of the Los Alamos Plutonium Pit Production Project (LAP4), Aug 25, 2021

Responsibility for LANL PF-4 and Oxide Production Options, Report to Congress, Jul 2021, obtained by FOIA, redacted

Plan for an Integrated Master Schedule for Plutonium Pit Production, Report to Congress, June 2021, obtained by FOIA, redacted

NNSA Assessment of Pit Production at LANL, Office of Cost Estimating & Program Evaluation (CEPE), May 2021, obtained by LASG FOIA appeal. Redacted version, obtained by LASG FOIA

Risks for Sustainment of PF-4 at LANL, Report to Congress, Nov 2020, obtained by FOIA, redacted

Enduring Mission Waste Management Plan for LANL, LA-CP-20-20577, Sep 2020, obtained by LASG FOIA, redacted

LANL Integrated Strategy for Plutonium Missions at Los Alamos National Laboratory, Jun 2020, obtained by LASG FOIA, redacted

NNSA Pit Production at LANL, Report to Congress, May 2020, redacted, obtained by FOIA

Proposal to Produce 30 pits per year at LANL, obtained by FOIA, redacted, Jan 2020

Plan to Produce 30 pits per year at LANL, Sep 2019, obtained by LASG FOIA, redacted

Congressional Agency Reports (CBO, CRS, & GAO)

Best non-federal review
Independent Assmt of the Plutonium Strategy of the NNSA, IDA, for DoD, Mar 2019. (First published by LASG May 10, 2019. Version with cover pages obtained by FOIA, May 20, 2019.)

Independent Assmt of the Two-Site Pit Production Decision, IDA, for NNSA, May 2019

Pu Pit Prod Eng Assmt (EA), Rev 2, Parsons, Apr 20, 2018
 • EA results, briefing slides, May 14, 2018

Recapitalization of Pit Production, DoD & NNSA, May 10, 2018

NNSA's recommended alternative, May 10, 2018

Nuc Weapons Council, alternative for NNSA's plutonium capabilities, May 10, 2018

Plutonium Pit Prod Mission, fact sheet, NNSA, May 10, 2018

Workforce Analysis to support future Pit Production, LMI, Apr 2018

Single best NNSA report
Pit Production Analysis of Alternatives (AoA), Oct 2017
Related documents
 • Executive Summary, Oct 2017
 • Briefing slides, Nov 2017
 • Sen Reed & McCain, letter to DoD Sec. Mattis & DOE Sec. Perry, Sep 20, 2017
 • Sen Udall & Heinrich, & Congressman Lujan, letter to DOE Sec Perry, Dec 18, 2017

Expansion of LANL “Pit” Factory Eyed, LASG fact sheet, Oct 2017

LANL TA-55 Nuclear Materials Safeguards and Security Upgrades Project - NMSSUP

NEPA documents on plutonium pit production

NNSA Performance Evaluation Plans & Reports (PEPs & PERs)

NNSA Planning & Budgeting Documents

Plutonium Aging documents

Plutonium Disposition

Plutonium Sustainment Reports

LANL PF-4 Safety Issues

Plutonium Pit Production options, compilation (by LASG) of reports by Jonathan E. Medalia, CRS, Sep 2, 2015

JASON Defense Advisory Panel Reports

The Department of Energy's Pit Production Project, IG-0551, Apr 2002

DOE Analysis of Stockpile Management Alternatives, Jul 1996

Special Nuclear Materials Research & Development Laboratory Replacement Project, LANL, 1989-1990

The Nuke Resistant City, PowerPoint presentation, or here in PDF

NM local govt resolutions & letters re: nuclear weapons & plutonium pit production at LANL

Opposition from NM elected officials, UC, LANL, & NNSA to industrial pit production at LANL 1992 – 2006

South Carolina & Georgia government resolutions in favor of pit production at SRS

UC Academic Senate, resolutions & articles re: nuclear weapons & plutonium pit production at LANL

Chemistry & Metallurgy Research Replacement Project
(CMRR) 2002 - 2014

Radiological Laboratory Utility Office Building (RLUOB)

Featured Study Group Briefings
 • Overview of Pit Production Challenges at Los Alamos National Laboratory, presentation to the Governor's Nuclear Advisory Council, Columbia, SC, Apr 29, 2024 (video here)
 • Update and discussion on pit production Issues including widely held misconceptions, slides; video, Feb 27, 2024
    Earlier presentations mentioned:
    — LASG seminar on plutonium pit production misconceptions and where do we go from here, video, Dec 7, 2023
    — NNSA pit production strategy: no clear goals, plans, or likelihood of success; Production at LANL has high risks and costs, few or no program benefits, Oct 1, 2020 (updated Oct 3, 2020)
    — Why, how many, when, how, where, with what risks?, Plutonium pit production workshop, Jul 12, 2018
 • The Year in Pits, LASG letter to Congressional Colleagues, Jan 30, 2024
 • Plutonium warhead factory: it's about new missiles, an arms race, greed, & domination, LASG double-page ad in Santa Fe Reporter, Dec 20, 2023
 • Plutonium warhead factory under construction near Santa Fe, LASG double-page ad in Santa Fe Reporter, Dec 13, 2023
 • NNSA Pit Production Update, Greg Mello, Oct 20, 2023
 • NNSA's effort to restart plutonium warhead "pit" production will cost more than the Manhattan Project. Why is NNSA trying to build two pit factories at once -- one that is adequate, and one that is not?, press backgrounder, May 27, 2023
 • Toward a viable plutonium pit production plan: part 1, LASG Letter to Congress, May 18, 2023
 • Toward a viable plutonium pit production plan: part 2, LASG Letter to Congress, Jun 9, 2023
 • Pit Production Startup Costs By Site and Year, May 11, 2023
 • Schedule for Nuclear Warhead Core ("Pit") Production Slipping, Costs Increasing: NNSA's Strategy is Failing, Mar 22, 2023
 • Installation of "Base" Capability to Produce 30 Plutonium Warhead Cores ("Pits") at Los Alamos To Be Delayed 4 Years, to 2030, press release, Feb 3, 2023
 • Bulletin 300: NNSA: early pit production a "hedge," not strictly necessary; is there a "pit gap?", May 3, 2022
 • Los Alamos warhead "pit" production preparations begin dangerous 24/7 work in struggle to meet deadlines; STRATCOM: "unlimited money" would not be enough to meet 2030 deadline, Mar 10, 2022

Recent products & presentations
updated 6 Sep 2024
 • LASG Bulletin 349: Please help us gain organizational and business endorsements to our national call to halt plutonium pit production, Aug 28, 2024
 • LASG Bulletin 348: Sentinel rumors, Jul 26, 2024
 • Sentinel, pit production, and a bit more; Why the US is losing the new arms race it started, LASG seminar slides, (video here) Jul 15, 2024
 • Bulletin 347: Plutonium pit/Sentinel warhead overview and discussion by Zoom 7/15/24, 1 pm MDT // NNSA/DOE Santa Fe Town Hall July 22, please come, Jul 10, 2024
    — NNSA Jill Hruby, and DOE-EM Candice Robertson Town Hall Meeting, images and videos
 • Stop the Ukraine War While We Can, Greg Mello, LASG Vlog#1, Jun 24, 2024
 • What we’re up to, and reflections on some opportunities and dangers at hand, Greg Mello, VFP Webinar, Jun 20, 2024
 • $22 billion on LANL pits is a lot to keep up with the Joneses, Greg Mello, op-ed, Albuquerque Journal, Jun 20, 2024
 • Can the U.S. seize the moment for peace?, Greg Mello op-ed, Santa Fe New Mexican, Jun 16, 2024
 • Bulletin 346: Momentous events, and two op-eds, Jun 16, 2024
 • Press backgrounder: U.S. Considers Expanding Its Nuclear Arsenal, Jun 10, 2024
 • Bulletin 345: Ukraine strikes Russian early-warning radar against nuclear attack, May 25, 2024
 • "Pit" project is NNSA's largest in 7 decades; huge & rising cost raises questions of scale,value, and sustainability -- and of what Congress knows, press release, May 10, 2024
 • Bulletin 344: Pit production, the largest nuclear warhead infrastructure project in 7 decades / interesting news, May 9, 2024
 • US nuclear agency struggles with production and costs, Physics Today, May 1, 2024
 • Overview of Pit Production Challenges at Los Alamos National Laboratory, presentation to the Governor's Nuclear Advisory Council, Columbia, SC, Apr 29, 2024 (video here)
 • Bulletin 343: "Russophobia" panel discussion video; upcoming presentation in SC, "Overview of Pit Production Challenges at LANL", Apr 27, 2024
 • Los Alamos to make plutonium cores ("pits") for new ICBM, Savannah River to make pits for new submarine missile warhead, press release, Apr 17, 2024
 • Bulletin 342: Russophobia, the Ukraine war, and nuclear weapons," panel discussion in Santa Fe Tuesday April 16, 6 pm / Pit production: myths and contradictions, Apr 10, 2024
 • Huge increase in nuclear warhead funding approved for this year; more requested for next year, press release, Mar 12, 2024
 • Bulletin 341: Pit seminar materials available; Russophobia seminar postponed; big jump in FY24 warhead spending as arms race takes hold; Ukraine losing war sparking panic in West, Mar 4, 2024
 • Update & Discussion on Pit Production Issues including Widely Held Misconceptions, slides; video, Feb 27, 2024
 • Bulletin 340: "Year in Pits;" Zoom update & discussion on pits 2/27; rich opportunities in the land of nuclear (dis)enchantment; end the Ukraine carnage and genocide in Gaza, Feb 22, 2024
 • The Year in Pits, LASG letter to Congressional Colleagues, Jan 30, 2024
 • Nuclear weapons activities in New Mexico, presentation to Youth United for Climate Crisis Action (YUCCA), Jan 15, 2024
 • Bulletin 339: Meetings this month, starting tomorrow (in person) and this Thursday (Zoom); join NM list if interested; please endorse the "Call for Sanity", Jan 1, 2024
 • Bulletin 338: If you haven't done so, please consider a one-time or monthly donation to the Los Alamos Study Group!, Dec 31, 2023
 • Bulletin 337: Please oppose producing new-design ICBM warheads and the new arms race, by (at least) endorsing the "Call for Sanity, Not Nuclear Production", Dec 21, 2023
 • Plutonium warhead factory: it's about new missiles, an arms race, greed, & domination, LASG double-page ad in Santa Fe Reporter, Dec 20, 2023
 • Plutonium warhead factory under construction near Santa Fe, LASG double-page ad in Santa Fe Reporter, Dec 13, 2023
 • Bulletin 336: Precis on pit production for NM newspaper; Zoom seminars last week (video) and next week (scheduled); Sentinel missile warheads; Santa Fe resolution against pit production; impeachment, Dec 12, 2023
 • Virtual seminar on issues (and misconceptions) in plutonium warhead core ("pit") production today, 11 am MST, press release, Dec 7, 2023
 • Bulletin 335: Zoom seminar on plutonium pit production, December 7, 11 am MST; trainings; the Year of Resistance is coming; help us financially if you can (thank you), Dec 4, 2023
 • Bulletin 334: Thank you for your support, please help support our work in 2024; please join our NM activist mailing list if local or interested; quick note on events & developments, Nov 28, 2023
 • Ramblin’ along the Jornadadel Muerto, presentation to Red Ants Collective, Nov 28, 2023

 • Posturing Ourselves to Death So Contractors can Thrive, Greg Mello, presentation slides, Nov 16, 2023
 • Planning for Doomsday, Steven Starr, presentation slides, Nov 16, 2023
 • YouTube video of the zoom presentations

 • Bulletin 333: In-person & webcast discussion this Thursday 11/16/23 of the new plan being briefed on Capitol Hill to increase U.S. nuclear forces, Nov 12, 2023

Santa Fe City Council meeting Nov 8, 2023, petitions from the floor requesting a resolution against plutonium pit production at LANL, video1; video 2; video 3; video 4
City of Santa Fe draft resolution against plutonium pit production

 • Bulletin 332: Mark your calendars: Nov. 16 forum on the proposed U.S. program to build up the U.S. nuclear arsenal, centrally reliant on LANL's proposed "pit" factory, Oct 26, 2023
 • Bulletin 331: NNSA plutonium warhead core ("pit") production update; Stumbling along, early-to-need, sans schedule and cost estimates, maximizing cost, jeopardizing other programs, Oct 20, 2023
 • Letter from Jean Nichols, Llano, NM to Santa Fe City Council, Oct 11, 2023
 • Organizations, businesses seek Santa Fe City resolution opposing plutonium warhead ("pit") production at LANL Press conference and rally outside Santa Fe City Hall Wednesday, October 11, at noon, press release, Oct 10, 2023
 • Plutonium Pit Factory at LANL: Dead End for New Mexico and the U.S., presentation, Sep 27, 2023
 • Opposition to Los Alamos nuclear factory grows, building on enduring moral foundations; Meanwhile costs rise, schedules lengthen; waste, safety, transportation issues unresolved, among others, press backgrounder, Aug 23, 2023
 • It is time to request a halt to plutonium pit production at LANL, Greg Mello presentation to NM RHMC, Aug 21, 2023
 • GAO assessment of major NNSA projects finds major cost, schedule overruns, press release, Aug 17, 2023
 • Video (rough cut): "'The real purpose in making the bomb was to subdue the Soviets.'* Now it's happening again, on a vast scale. WHY?" A conversation with acclaimed historian Peter Kuznick and Greg Mello in Los Alamos, July 22, 2023
   — Pit production update slides posted here separately, Jul 22, 2023
 • Los Alamos to metastasize as weapons mission outgrows site; Lab management to present before local government Tuesday 7/18/23, 6 pm MDT, press release, Jul 17, 2023
    — Of interest: DOE/NNSA Proposal for an Innovation Campus, Midtown Santa Fe, Oct 31, 2019
 • "'The real purpose in making the bomb was to subdue the Soviets.'* Now it's happening again, on a vast scale. WHY?" A conversation with acclaimed historian Peter Kuznick, Greg Mello, and community members in Los Alamos, July 22, 6:30 pm, press release, Jul 17, 2023
 • Bulletin 330: "'The real purpose in making the bomb was to subdue the Soviets.'* Now it's happening again, on a vast scale. WHY?" A conversation with acclaimed historian Peter Kuznick and Greg Mello in Los Alamos, July 22, Jul 7, 2023
 • Journalists to tour LANL plutonium facility, "ground zero" for proposed interim pit manufacturing, press release, Jun 21, 2023
 • Bulletin 329: Russia rules out nuclear disarmament negotiations; second week of Ukrainian offenses fail; what will US and NATO do? Build 60 projects in LANL's Pajarito Corridor?, Jun 17, 2023
 • Bulletin 328: Toward a better pit production policy, part 2 (of interest to some); Zoom discussion on pits tomorrow 6/15/23 5 pm MDT, Jun 14, 2023
 • Bulletin 327: Virtual presentation and discussion this Thursday 5 pm MDT; fundraising; new publications, Jun 12, 2023
 • Toward a viable plutonium pit production plan: part 2, LASG Letter to Congress, Jun 9, 2023
 • NNSA cites Los Alamos National Laboratory for multiple "serious" plutonium safety violations in 2021, press release, May 31, 2023
   — Preliminary Notice of Violation - TRIAD National Security, LLC, May 18, 2023
 • NNSA's effort to restart plutonium warhead "pit" production will cost more than the Manhattan Project. Why is NNSA trying to build two pit factories at once -- one that is adequate, and one that is not?, press backgrounder, May 27, 2023
 • Toward a viable plutonium pit production plan: part 1, LASG Letter to Congress, May 18, 2023
 • Pit Production Startup Costs By Site and Year, May 11, 2023
 • Bulletin 326: Update, fundraising, town hall, Ukraine, pit production now to cost more than the whole Manhattan Project, Apr 26, 2023
 • Schedule for Nuclear Warhead Core ("Pit") Production Slipping, Costs Increasing: NNSA's Strategy is Failing, press release, Mar 22, 2023
 • Warhead agency grades its contractors "very good" to "excellent," as schedules slide and cost overruns mount, press release, Mar 9, 2023
 • Bulletin 325: Important takeaways from the "Nuclear Deterrence Summit" in Washington this week., Feb 18, 2023
 • Bulletin 323: "Nuclear Hotseat" interview / Ukraine war updates, Feb 4, 2023
 • Installation of "Base" Capability to Produce 30 Plutonium Warhead Cores ("Pits") at Los Alamos To Be Delayed 4 Years, to 2030, press release, Feb 3, 2023
    – Approval of Critical Decision-2/3 for Los Alamos Plutonium Pit Production Project 30 Base Equipment Installation Subproject and Approval of Project Execution Plan, DOE memo, Jan 19, 2023
 • Considerations in warhead core ("pit") production policy, briefing for a House member, updated, Jan 12, 2023
 • GAO: NNSA's Huge Program to Build New Warhead Cores ("Pits") Lacks Detailed Schedule, Budget, and Scope of Work, press release (2 of 2), Jan 12, 2023
 • First of two press releases: GAO to Release Year-Long Review of NNSA's Largest Warhead Endeavor: Plutonium Pit Production, Jan 11, 2023

 • Bulletin 321: Last day for 2022 donations! / A few quick updates, Dec 31, 2022
 • Bulletin 320: Neocon humiliation -- or nuclear exchange / The centrality of war resistance in moral politics / 3 days left for 1:1 donation match!, Dec 29, 2022
 • Bulletin 319: Ukraine; NDAA: omnibus appropriations bill; fundraising --thank you; some matching funds still available, Dec 21, 2022
 • LASG comments for the DNFSB Nov 16, 2022 hearing record, Dec 16, 2022
 • Bulletin 318: Speak out now against further U.S. escalation in Ukraine; daily updates for your use, Dec 14, 2022
 • Bulletin 317: Internships available, Dec 14, 2022
 • Bulletin 316: Fundraising appeal; THANK YOU, Dec 12, 2022
 • NNSA announces extension of terms for Los Alamos National Laboratory management and operating contract -- Study Group comments, press release, Dec 6, 2022
 • Do New Mexico news outlets care about LANL's plan to re-open nuclear waste disposal on-site? Or to produce still more warhead components?, press reminder, Dec 2, 2022
 • Bulletin 315: Urgent fundraising request, matching grant available! Also: near-daily selected Ukraine updates; updated pit policy recommendations; legislative testimony, Nov 27, 2022
 • Los Alamos lab "agenda:" novel nuclear weapons and new ways to use them, hypersonic nuclear weapons, new nuclear waste disposal facility, additional production missions, biosecurity "leadership," "proactive" counterintelligence, press release, Nov 23, 2022
 • Can we disenthrall ourselves, and save our State?, presentation to the Radioactive &Hazardous Materials committee, NM Legislature, Greg Mello, Nov 14, 2022
 • Congressional briefing on plutonium pits, updated, Nov 14, 2022
 • Bulletin 314: Reminder re next week's antiwar, disarmament, & nuclear safety events: come if you can or tune in, outreach needed; pit interview on KNME tonight 7 pm; fundraising drive continues; erratum, Nov 11, 2022
 • Bulletin 313: Important meeting about Ukraine next week; DNFSB hearing in Santa Fe; more, Nov 7, 2022
 • Administration Releases Aggressive Nuclear Posture, Including Nuclear ‘First Use’, Greg Mello commentary, Los Alamos Reporter, Oct 27, 2022
 • Biden Administration releases aggressive nuclear strategy envisioning "first use" of nuclear weapons in wars like Ukraine, press release, Oct 27, 2022
 • LASG final scoping comments on the LANL SWEIS, Oct 18, 2022
 • Bulletin 312: LANL's pit production to be delayed with cost increases; new resources, news; Zoom discussions; critical fundraising outreach needed -- we need you! Oct 6, 2022
 • Bulletin 311: Break the spell, denounce growing U.S. war, Oct 5, 2022
 • Bulletin 310: Speak up! We urge you to take up the call for peace in Ukraine, Sep 25, 2022
 • Considerations in warhead core ("pit") production policy, briefing for a House member, Sep 14, 2022
 • Bulletin 308: NNSA "scoping" process at LANL designed to legitimate nuclear weapons, mislead, and distract; best to steer clear, step up real resistance and constructive actions, Sep 11, 2022
 • LASG initial scoping comments on the Site-Wide Environmental Impact Statement (SWEIS) for the Continued Operation of LANL, Sep 11, 2022
 • Citizens call for halt in plutonium pit production at Los Alamos and elsewhere; press conference in Capitol Rotunda tomorrow (Tuesday Aug. 30), 10:30 am MDT, press release, Aug 29, 2022
 • Bulletin 307: Secret master plan for nuclear weapons design, production complex entails massive investments, on top of those revealed to Congress; call for opposition; press conference Tues 8/30/22, Aug 28, 2022
 • Bulletin 306: Please recruit allies in 1) the "Call for Sanity, Not Nuclear Production," 2) our fundraising drive, 3) nuclear careers (ours, not theirs); pitpourri, Aug 21, 2022
 • NNSA to conduct fake "environmental impact statement" process to justify decisions, big future expansion, at Los Alamos, press release, Aug 18, 2022
 • Bulletin 305: Can we make Archbishop Wester's call for nuclear disarmament real, for us?, Aug 9, 2022
 • Bulletin 304: Your support is requested! / "US nuclear weapons since 2020: continuity and change" / Whither disarmament?, Aug 3, 2022
 • Bulletin 303:Fire safety deficiencies at LANL plutonium facility, Jul 27, 2022
 • Bulletin 302: Mid-year fundraising drive: please help support our work!, Jul 26, 2022
 • GAO: current LANL contractor improving safety (NNSA and Triad say), more improvements said needed, press release, Jun 16, 2022
 • Presentation: 'Pope Francis': "World War III has been declared." We agree. Stop LANL's pit factory; Stop the U.S. war against Russia, Jun 15, 2022
 • Grave dangers loom in Ukraine war votes and escalations; opportunities open for journalists and citizens; We urge news media to widen debate, pose questions, create accountability, press release, May 16, 2022
 • LASG letter to key congressional and executive staff re: new resources on plutonium pit production, May 10, 2022
 • NNSA budget request for Los Alamos warhead "pit" project adds five proposed plutonium buildings, fresh rad waste cost overruns, adding $329 million to LANL pit costs, press release, May 9, 2022
 • Warhead plutonium modernization spending, actual & proposed by site, May 6, 2022
 • Bulletin 300: NNSA: early pit production a "hedge," not strictly necessary; is there a "pit gap?", May 3, 2022
 • Bulletin 299: Emergency call to action: stop Biden's proposed $33 billion war escalation, Apr 28, 2022
 • Bulletin 298: Talk on pits & renewed U.S. nuclear weapons production Tuesday evening 4/26/22; antiwar billboard; what you can do, Apr 25, 2022
 • Bulletin 297: LANL pit production is incapable of meaningfully contributing to production requirements, Apr 11, 2022
 • Pit production worksheet, references omitted, Apr 11, 2022
 • Lawsuit seeks agency plans to accelerate production of nuclear warhead cores; Largest program in agency history is effectively secret -- and in trouble, Apr 6, 2022
 • Bulletin 296: The troubled logistics of LANL pit production: how will LANL staff and contractors get to work?, Mar 26, 2022
 • How will LANL staff and contractors get to work?, Mar 11, 2022
 • Bulletin 295: "The core debate," Mar 23, 2022
 • Bulletin 294: Please consider forwarding this fine statement from UNAC re Ukraine, Mar 23, 2022
 • Biden nuclear agency plan continues all current and proposed warhead and bombs; 6 warhead programs to run simultaneously, press release, Mar 17, 2022
 • Los Alamos warhead "pit" production preparations begin dangerous 24/7 work in struggle to meet deadlines; STRATCOM: "unlimited money" would not be enough to meet 2030 deadline, Mar 10, 2022
 • Bulletin 293: Ukraine conflict: If you want a ceasefire (as we do), stop firing, Mar 5, 2022
 • DOE Inspector General: $128 Million Contract to Upgrade Los Alamos Power Plant with Private Financing May Be Illegal, Feb 15, 2022
 • Nuclear Warhead Agency Admits Los Alamos Likely to Miss Interim Warhead Core Deadlines, Review of value, cost, of Los Alamos factory needed, press release, Feb 12, 2022
 • NNSA’s Evaluation Of Triad’s Performance Last Year: More Candor Please. There Is Trouble Ahead, Mello op-ed, Los Alamos Reporter, Feb 11, 2022
 • Nuclear Agency releases 2021 contractor evaluations for LANL and other sites, press release, Feb 10, 2022
 • Bulletin 291: Don't enable a crash program for new ICBM warheads!, Jan 26, 2022
 • Can Santa Fe survive as a nuclear weapons suburb?, Mello, Santa Fe New Mexican,Jan 16, 2022
 • Organizations Call for Elimination of ‘Launch on Warning’ Land-Based Nuclear Missiles in the United States;Crash Program of Plutonium Warhead Core ("Pit") Production at Los Alamos Predicated Solely on Novel Missile Warheads, in Larger Numbers, press release, Jan 12, 2022
 • Is the Department of Energy (DOE) going to conduct a new Site Wide Environmental Impact Statement (SWEIS) for Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL), and if so what would it mean?, press note, Jan 7, 2022
 • Assuring Destruction Forever, 2022 edition, Reaching Critical Will, WILPF, Jan 2022, (includes US chapter by LASG)

pit guy

 • Bulletin 290: Please help support our work in the coming year; positions available; good news for 2022, Dec 31, 2021
 • Bulletin 289: NNSA lukewarm about plan to produce plutonium pits at LANL; new NDAA requires reporting on changing costs, risks, pit requirements, and a real waste plan, Dec 23, 2021
 • Bulletin 288: US nuclear weapons since 2020: continuity and change, Dec 7, 2021
 • US nuclear weapons since 2020: continuity & change, Dec 7, 2021
     – Update on US Nuclear Weapons Modernization for the International Disarmament Community, May 13, 2020
 • How New Mexico Could Become A Climate Leader, Greg Mello, Los Alamos Reporter, Nov 24, 2021
 • Bulletin 287: Nov 5 demonstration and workshops; NM greenhouse gas emissions have risen by about half under the current administration; legislative testimony on plutonium pit production, Nov 22, 2021
 • Unprecedented weapons production mission at LANL threatens regional decline, loss of autonomy: what can this committee do?, Greg Mello, slides, Radioactive & Hazardous Materials Committee, Nov 12, 2021
     – Video of Greg Mello's testimony
     – LASG followup letter to RHMC Chair Sen Steinborn, Nov 13, 2021
 • Join the Los Alamos Study Group on Friday, Nov. 5th, east side of State Capitol, 12:00 to 5:00 pm for a demonstration, plenary workshops, and dialogue; Reclaim resources, build resilient communities -- not plutonium bombs, press release, Nov 2, 2021
 • Bulletin 286: Demonstration and workshops Nov. 5 in Santa Fe; LANL estimates $18 billion in pit costs this decade,$80 million/pit, Oct 28, 2021
 • Will energy monopolies & the nuclear cartel control NM's future?, LASG full-page ad, Santa Fe New Mexican, Sun, Oct 24, 2021
 • Will energy monopolies & the nuclear cartel control NM's future?, LASG double-page ad, Santa Fe Reporter, Oct 20, 2021
 • LANL pit production: fifth failure in progress, LASG presentation, Sep 30, 2021
     – video of presentation on our YouTube channel
 • How deep a ‘pit’ will Biden dig at LANL?, Mello, Los Alamos Reporter, Sep 29, 2021
 • How deep a ‘pit’ will Biden dig at LANL?, Mello, Albuquerque Journal, Sep 26, 2021
 • Plutonium warhead factory under construction near Santa Fe, LASG double-page ad, Santa Fe Reporter, Sep 29, 2021
 • Bulletin 285: NNSA: LANL pits critical for new warhead; full page ads; why LANL can't make enough pits; join us in Santa Fe Sep 30, Sep 22, 2021
 • Plutonium warhead factory under construction near Santa Fe, LASG double-page ad, Santa Fe Reporter, Sep 22, 2021
 • Plutonium warhead factory under construction near Santa Fe, LASG full-page ad, Albuquerque Journal, Sun, Sep 19, 2021
 • Bulletin 284: How deep a ‘pit’ will the new administration dig at Los Alamos before stopping?, Sep 17, 2021
 • Column: How deep a ‘pit’ will the new administration dig at Los Alamos before stopping?, Greg Mello, Aiken Standard, Sep 16, 2021
 • Full-page ad rejected by the Santa Fe New Mexican, Sep 19, 2021
 • Build strong communities, not plutonium bombs, EDDM postcard campaign, Sep 15, 2021
 • What will NNSA's plutonium pit production cost?, Aug 24, 2021, (with accompanying spreadsheet below)
     – Plutonium expenses based on FY22 Congressional Budget Request final, Aug 24, 2021
 • Build strong communities, not plutonium bombs, LASG door hanger campaign, Aug 2021
     – Door hanger campaign cover letter, Aug 26, 2021
 • NNSA proposes new plutonium processing facility at LANL, Aug 11, 2021
 • Background briefing for new volunteers, Jul 29, 2021
 • Bulletin 283 followup: Working links to photos; outreach orientation Thursday pm in Santa Fe, Jul 25, 2021
 • Bulletin 283: Interesting new aerial photos of LANL Jul 23, 2021
 • Bulletin 282: New billboard: "One bomb core: $50 million -- or 1,000 teachers. Choose." Jul 21, 2021
 • Bulletin 281: LANL pit production: fifth failure in progress, Jul 16, 2021
 • LANL Pit Production: Fifth Failure In Progress, Los Alamos Reporter, Jul 15, 2021
 • Los Alamos lab: Plutonium is good for you, Mello, Santa Fe New Mexican, Jul 15, 2021
 • Letter to some congressional staff re: ongoing failure of pit plans at LANL, Jul 8, 2021
 • NNSA approves plutonium warhead core ("pit") factory in South Carolina, press backgrounder, Jun 29, 2021
 • Letter to congressional colleagues re: June 24, 2021 SASC/SF hearing re NNSA, notable error and correction in Sen. Reed statement re pit production cost, Jun 28, 2021
 • Administration budget for warhead cores ("pits") jumps again, as Biden team struggles with Trump's rushed "double-factory" plan, press release, Jun 1, 2021
 • Scoping comments on the proposed EA for the Electrical Power Capacity Upgrade Project (EPCU) at LANL and the Santa Fe National Forest (SFNF), May 21, 2021
 • Letter to congressional colleagues re: plutonium pit production, three parts, May 17, 2021
 • Los Alamos National Lab seeks up to 100,000 sq. ft. of laboratory space somewhere within 50 miles, press release, May 6, 2021
 • NNSA announces huge cost increase for mysterious LANL plutonium warhead project, press release, Apr 28, 2021
 • Third power line proposed for Los Alamos; environmental assessment process starting, press release, Apr 19, 2021
 • Second billboard opposing nuclear bomb factory near Santa Fe installed, press release, Mar 15, 2021
 • LANL leases second office complex in Santa Fe as nuclear weapons growth pushes admin staff off "The Hill", press release, Mar 8, 2021
 • LANL releases 2021 "Site Sustainability Plan" for "rapidly changing and growing mission", press release, Feb 24, 2021
 • "Biophilia vs. the Capitalist Death Cult," or "St. Francis vs. Plutopia," Mello, Santa Fe New Mexican, Feb 21, 2021
 • Surplus Plutonium Disposition Program Environmental Impact Statement (SPDP-EIS) comments, Feb 18, 2021
 • Los Alamos nuclear weapons lab to open offices in Santa Fe; Shift in identity, values feared for "Royal City of the Holy Faith of Saint Francis", press release, Feb 10, 2021
 • New billboard raises awareness of multibillion-dollar plutonium bomb factory under construction near Santa Fe -- meanwhile -- Santa Fe County Commission tacitly endorses expanded LANL plutonium bomb production, press release, Feb 3, 2021
 • Bulletin 279: Thank you; no Capitol demonstration 1/19/21 obviously; Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons; more, Jan 17, 2021

 • Bulletin 278: Last 2020 fundraising reminder; "coming attractions" January 18-22; the year ahead, Dec 31, 2020
 • Exploding costs at U.S. warhead agency; DOE plan for producing, managing warheads focuses on inadequacies, headwinds in efforts to design and build multiple warheads simultaneously, Dec 29, 2020
 • Unprecedented Increase in Warhead Spending Approved by Congress; Los Alamos increase largest by far, primarily to establish plutonium factory complex for warhead cores, press release, Dec 22, 2020
 • Bulletin 277: Solstice; gratitude; please support our work; the coming year; Congress all but fully funds massive increase in NNSA warhead programs, Dec 21, 2020
 • Bulletin 276: Zoominar Wednesday 3 pm MST: Strategy discussion for disarmament activists; Congress punts pit deadlines to STRATCOM if DOE can't predict construction costs within 15%, Dec 13, 2020
 • Bulletin 275: Reminder: Zoominar today 3 pm MST: "Pits and warheads"; background, Dec 7, 2020
 • Bulletin 274: Please support our work! Zoominar Mon, Dec 7, 3 pm MST: "Pits and warheads, in Congress and otherwise," Dec 3, 2020
 • Bulletin 273: New resources on pit production; more, Nov 10, 2020
 • U.S. plutonium pit production: Key updates, International Panel on Fissile Materials, Nov 9, 2020
 • It's not too late to protect Northern New Mexico, Santa Fe New Mexican, Jean Nichols & Suzie Schwartz, Nov 7, 2020
 • Historic milestone: Nuclear Weapons Ban Treaty to Enter into Force, press release, Oct 25, 2020
 • LASG letter to federal & state officials: Testimony from citizens hearing on LANL expansion and pit production, Oct 17, 2020
 • Safety Board finds LANL nuclear waste storage unsafe; safety bases of four nuclear facilities need revision; At least 2,000 containers of transuranic waste stored in fabric tents are unfit for WIPP, press release, Oct 9, 2020
 • This Time in History, Jean Nichols, letter, Oct 5, 2020
 • Citizens hearing on LANL expansion, Nuclear weapons manufacturing, and alternatives for the region to be held Wednesday, October 7, at the State Capitol, 1-6 pm, press release, Oct 5, 2020
 • NNSA pit production strategy: no clear goals, plans, or likelihood of success; Production at LANL has high risks and costs, few or no program benefits, Oct 1, 2020 (updated Oct 3, 2020)
 • Jonathan Plaue, DNFSB LANL resident inspector, presentation at Pit Production workshop, Oct 1,2020
 • Presentation to the NM Radioactive & Hazardous Materials Committee, Sep 9, 2020
 • DOE concludes no EIS needed for vast expansion of Los Alamos nuclear missions, including plutonium bomb core factory -- altogether, the largest project in the history of New Mexico, press release, Sep 1, 2020
 • CBO today, on the potential costs of expanding US nuclear forces in a post-New-START environment, press alert, Aug 25, 2020
 • Rocky Flats moves to the Pajarito Plateau, Susann McCarthy, Albuquerque Journal, Aug 23, 2020
 • Accidents Happen: Northern New Mexico Needs A LANL Site-Wide Environmental Impact Statement, Jean Nichols, Los Alamos Reporter, Aug 12, 2020
 • A majority of Americans support phasing out ICBMs, modestly cutting nuclear weapons budget, deploying low-yield sub warheads, press note, Aug 10, 2020
 • Open Letter To Sen. Tom Udall: Northern New Mexico Needs A Site-Wide Environmental Impact Statement, Suzanne Schwartz, Los Alamos Reporter, Aug 6, 2020
 • Truth Shall Set You Free, Erich Kuerschner, Los Alamos Reporter, Aug 6, 2020
 • Earthquake today near Capulin NM, in context, press backgrounder, Jul 30, 2020
 • Site-Wide Environmental Impact Statement Is A Mountain Of Protection, Lydia Clark, LTE, Los Alamos Reporter, Jul 30, 2020
 • Bulletin 272: Public webinar Saturday July 25, 1 pm EDT: "What Every Global Citizen Needs to Know About the Decision to A-Bomb Hiroshima and Nagasaki," discussed by the best scholars; a lot more news, Jul 24, 2020
 • NNSA seeks to lease office, light lab, and warehouse space within 50 miles of LANL on urgent basis, letter to congressional colleagues, Jul 23, 2020
 • Warhead agency seeks to lease office and warehouse space within a 50-mile radius of LANL, Jul 21, 2020
 • Santa Fe shouldn’t become a nuclear sacrifice zone, Lydia Clark, Albuquerque Journal, Jul 19, 2020
 • Trinity Site nuclear test remembered, Albuquerque Journal, Jul 16, 2020
 • Protest at State Capitol on "Trinity" nuclear test anniversary, press release, Jul 14, 2020
 • Letter to NM Environment Department re: Need for SWEIS at LANL, Jun 29, 2020, (posted Jul 11, 2020)
 • Why is Congress funding plutonium pit production in the 2020s, and thereby squandering billions in yet another gigantic boondoggle at Los Alamos?, letter to congressional colleagues, Jul 1, 2020
 • Requesting a Response & position from the SFCC - Proposed Resolutions, Lydia Clark, Jul 9, 2020
 • Congressman Cooper's amendment 266 to H.R. 6395, Greg Mello comments, Jul 8, 2020
 • Step up against expansion of LANL's nuclear mission, Lydia Clark, Santa Fe New Mexican, Jun 27, 2020
 • Bulletin 271: Reminder: Thur, June 11 Zoominar: Plutonium pits, failures of reform, & the war on the poor, Jun 10, 2020
 • Bulletin 270: Thur, June 11, Zoominar: Plutonium pits, failures of reform, & the war on the poor, Jun 6, 2020
 • Comments on the SRS Draft EIS, Jun 2, 2020
 • Letter to "NukeNet": concerns about organizational sign-on aimed at focusing pit production at LANL, May 30, 2020
 • Plutonium Modernization costs, LASG chart, May 27, 2020

Pu costs chart Pu spending history

 • LANL’s proposed expansion and plutonium warhead core (“pit”) plans in context, LASG seminar slides, May 19, 2020
 • Update on US Nuclear Weapons Modernization for the International Disarmament Community, May 13, 2020
 • LASG comments on Draft Supplement Analysis (DSA) of the 2008 Site-Wide Environmental Impact Statement (2008 SWEIS) for the Continued Operation of LANL for Plutonium Operations (DOE/EIS-0380-SA-06), May 9, 2020
 • Failure To Conduct Detailed EIS Process For LANL Is Dangerous Insult To Los Alamos And Northern New Mexico, Greg Mello, LTE, Los Alamos Reporter, Mar 10, 2020
 • Administration seeks 49% increase in Los Alamos nuclear weapons activities, 33% plus-up for LANL overall, press release, Feb 23, 2020
 • Environmental review for LANL expansion needed, Suzanne Schwartz, Santa Fe New Mexican, Feb 15, 2020
 • Bulletin 267: US plutonium pit production plans advance, part II: at least $25 billion in LANL life cycle costs omitted in past comparisons; more, Feb 8, 2020
 • Letter to newspaper editors about nuclear construction at LANL as an economic engine (dated but useful), Dec 5, 2011, posted Feb 7, 2020
 • As U.S. ramps up nuclear production (again), the human toll of past work continues to mount, including at LANL, Feb 5, 2020
 • Plutonium pit budget request: another massive increase expected, IPFM blog post, Feb 4, 2020
 • Bulletin 266: US plutonium pit production plans advance, with new requirements (part I), Jan 31, 2020
 • New Mexico: Number one in nuclear weapons, Child well-being: Dead Last, billboard, Jan 27, 2020
 • In a Nutshell: Why a New Site-Wide Environmental Impact Statement (SWEIS) for Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL) is Warranted, posted Jan 21, 2020 (original Nov 4, 2019)
 • Citizens Protest Possible Nuclear Weapons Agency Presence in Major Santa Fe Development; Press conference and demonstration at noon Wednesday, January 15, Santa Fe City Hall, Jan 14, 2020

 • LASG background charts for plutonium pit workshop, Jan 2, 2020

 • U.S. plutonium pit production plans advance, with new requirements, IPFM blog post, Dec 23, 2019
 • City of Santa Fe resolutions barring support for nuclear weapons and plutonium pit production, Dec 12, 2019
 • Letter to congressional colleagues: Of concern: a) DNFSB finds Los Alamos plutonium facility does not adequately protect the public; b) NNSA seeks new campus in Santa Fe NM and/or Espanola NM, Dec 5, 2019
 • Safety Board: The Los Alamos plutonium facility does not adequately protect the public, LASG letter, Dec 2, 2019
 • NM’s leading Dems want you to love plutonium, Mello op-ed, Albuquerque Journal, Dec 1, 2019
 • ‘Aura of apartheid’ at LANL offers false hope, Mello op-ed, Santa Fe New Mexican, Nov 30, 2019
 • Bulletin 264: LANL expansion, new mailing list, staff position available, news and views you can use, Nov 26, 2019
 • Letter to congressional colleagues: Three perhaps overlooked, or new, issues regarding pit production, Nov 25, 2019
 • LANL’s expansion plans lack coordination, transparency, sound engineering, and environmental analysis, Mello commentary, Los Alamos Reporter, Nov 8, 2019
 • GAO: Surplus Plutonium Disposition: Processing of surplus plutonium warhead cores ("pits") at Los Alamos is uncertain, may conflict with production of new pits, press note, Oct 28, 2019
 • LANL's plans: transparency, environmental analysis needed, Oct 3, 2019
 • Bulletin 263: Unfolding fiasco: Los Alamos doubles down on plutonium and growth overall, Sep 27, 2019
 • Letter to congressional colleagues: Some recent articles on plutonium and related investments in NM, Sep 26, 2019
 • Letter to congressional colleagues: Partial NEPA victory re Uranium Processing Facility in TN, Sep 25, 2019
 • Town Hall briefing slides: LANL’s plans for plutonium pit production and weapons expansion, Ending enchantment?, Sep 17, 2019
   –Town Hall, photo album, Sep 17, 2019
 • Letter to congressional colleagues: LANL revives talk of new highway to Hill, Sep 15, 2019
 • Is there a Window of Pit Production at TA-55?, Analysis May 2019, posted Sep 12, 2019
 • Los Alamos Study Group to host town hall meeting on Los Alamos lab expansion, press release, Sep 6, 2019
 •  Letter to congressional colleagues: CBO analysis of S. 1790 re pits compared to AoA, EA, and FY20 budget request, Sep 3, 2019
 • "Ending enchantment: LANL’s plans for plutonium pit production and weapons expansion," presentation in Taos, Aug 23, 2019
   – Included charts about plutonium pit spending with a short explanation, Aug 27, 2019
   – Video of presentation in Taos,, 47 min, Aug 23, 2019
 • Presentation to NM Gov Lujan Grisham, "Transparency & Environmental Impact Statements are needed," Aug 22, 2019
 • Letter to Congressional Colleagues: Update on pit production and Los Alamos plans, Aug 21, 2019
 • Comments on the Draft Supplement Analysis of the Complex Transformation Supplement Programmatic Environmental Impact Statement, (DSA-CTSPEIS), Aug 12, 2019
      – Addendum to comments, Aug 14, 2019
 • Requests to Governor Lujan Grisham, Aug 1, 2019
 • Comments on the scope of the Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) for plutonium pit production at the Savannah River Site (SRS), Jul 25, 2019
 • Bulletin 262: New Mexico Democrats push Trump nuclear weapons agenda regardless of environmental costs, Jul 24, 2019
 • National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) compliance for plutonium pit production, letter to Senator Udall, Jul 8, 2019
 • Industrial pit production at LANL: mistaken mission, wrong place, Greg Mello, Los Alamos Monitor, Jun 30, 2019
 • Plutonium won’t bring prosperity, just ruin, Greg Mello, Santa Fe New Mexican, Jun 29, 2019
 •  Guest Column: Los Alamos is unsuited for pit production, Greg Mello, Aiken Standard, Jun 26, 2019
 • Letter to congressional colleagues: Six summary talking points on pits & NNSA's stockpile plan; four editorials, Jun 19, 2019
 • We don’t need more pits, LANL can’t make them, Greg Mello, Albuquerque Journal, Jun 17, 2019
 • Bulletin 258: Administration announces plan to conduct environmental analysis of plutonium warhead core (“pit”) production in SC, no comparable commitment in NM, Jun 11, 2019
 • Administration announces plan to conduct environmental analysis of plutonium warhead core (“pit”) production in SC, No comparable commitment in NM, press release, Jun 10, 2019
 • Administration to conduct environmental analysis of plutonium warhead core (“pit”) production in SC; may analyze NM production; NNSA’s plan may violate 1998 court order and other applicable law, press release, Jun 4, 2019
 • Letter to congressional colleagues: A glance back to when LANL was assigned the pit production mission on the promise it could do 50 ppy on a $110 M investment, May 30, 2019
    – DOE Analysis of Stockpile Management Alternatives, Jul 1996
 • Letter to congressional colleagues: Of interest: Managers of "the kitty-litter lab" need to get their act together, Albuquerque Journal editorial, May 16, 2019
 • Letter to congressional colleagues: IDA study of pit production, May 13, 2019
 • Bulletin 257: Pentagon pit study: The Trump plutonium pit schedule is impossible. NNSA: 2 warheads are delayed, May 10, 2019
 • Letter to congressional colleagues: Resources from Greg Mello, May 9, 2019
 •  The Great Transformation: Nuclear Weapons Policy Considerations for the 116th Congress, Mello, May 6, 2019
 • Fissile material mysteries in the U.S. Department of Energy FY20 budget request, Mello, International Panel on Fissile Materials blog, Apr 23, 2019
 • Letter to congressional colleagues: DoD/IDA review of pit production options: transparency issues, Apr 17, 2019
 • Letter to congressional colleagues: The statement by Senator Udall that two pit facilities will cost nearly twice as much as one is wrong, or backwards as intended, Apr 4, 2019
 • Letter to congressional colleagues: Hearings on the NNSA budget: comments & press releases, Apr 2, 2019
 • NNSA-SRS Plutonium Pit Production staffing chart, Apr 2019
 • Plutonium Pit Production for the US Nuclear Arsenal: “Navigating the Great Transition,” Mello, Feb 20, 2019
 • Legal concerns regarding NNSA’s pit production plans, Memo to LGH, Feb 5, 2019
 • Letter to congressional colleagues: Preview of more problems to come with LANL pit production, Jan 28, 2019
 • Why LANL cannot host a plutonium pit factory, Mello, Los Alamos Monitor, Jan 13, 2019
 • Bulletin 252: Fundraising reminder; why LANL cannot be any kind of plutonium factory, in a nutshell , Jan 1, 2019

 • Hearing of the Senate Armed Services Committee (SASC) for William Bookless, nominee for Principal Deputy Administrator, NNSA, Nov 29, 2018
   – Sen. Reed, (36:00 - 38:25)
   – Sen. Heinrich, (47:55 - 50:30)
 • US plutonium pit production plans fail to satisfy Congress; further studies underway, International Panel on Fissile Materials blog, Mello, Nov 30, 2018
 • Greg Mello, Los Alamos Study Group, "Production Expectations vs. Site Realities and Worker Safety at Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL): A Recipe for Regional Decline," presentation to the New Mexico Legislature's Radioactive and Hazardous Materials Committee (RHMC), Aug 15, 2018
   – Summary
   – Handouts
 • DNFSB Resident Inspector for LANL Jonathan Plaue, presentation to the NM State Legislature’s Radioactive & Hazardous Materials Committee, "Introduction to the Board and Oversight Activities at LANL," Aug 15, 2018
 • Bulletin 249: Worker safety; pit fever; “Beyond Hiroshima” Aug 6; lab power grab fail, Aug 3, 2018
 • "Beyond Hiroshima" discussion in Los Alamos 6 pm Monday August 6 with Godfrey Reggio, Gilbert Sanchez, Carol Miller, Greg Mello, others, press release, Aug 3, 2018
 • All-But-Final Defense Bill Increases Momentum for Larger Los Alamos Plutonium "Pit" Factory, press release, Jul 25, 2018
 • House Version of Defense Bill Would Advance Los Alamos Plutonium Bomb Factory, press release, Jul 23, 2018
 • Why, how many, when, how, where, with what risks?, Plutonium pit production workshop, Jul 12, 2018
 • Senators, why do you want a new pit factory?, Greg Mello, Albuquerque Journal, Jun 15, 2018
 • The administration’s pit production decision & its immediate aftermath, Forget the Rest blog, Greg Mello, Jun 2, 2018
 • U.S. plutonium pit production and disposition plans face congressional scrutiny, International Panel on Fissile Materials, Greg Mello, Jun 2, 2018
 • Udall, Heinrich, Luján, Lujan Grisham Statement On NNSA's Announcement On Pit Production, Sen. Udall's press release, May 10, 2018
 • Memo from LANL Director Terry C. Wallace, Jr. re: NNSA announces plans for future plutonium mission, May 10, 2018
 • NNSA, DoD, DOE recommend moving most plutonium warhead "pit" production to South Carolina by 2030, press release, May 10, 2018
 • NNSA, DoD, DOE poised to deliver decision to Congress on how and where to make plutonium warhead "pits", press release, May 9, 2018
 • South Carolina's Governor Henry McMaster's letter to DOE Secretary Rick Perry threatens legal action on MOX, May 2, 2018
 • Leaked Summary of Nuclear Warhead Plutonium "Pit" Production Analysis Identifies Serious Problems with Los Alamos Manufacturing Plan, press release, Apr 30, 2018
   – Plutonium Pit Production Analysis of Alternatives, Executive Summary, Oct 2017
 • Comments on the “Draft Environmental Assessment [EA] of Proposed Changes for Analytical Chemistry [AC] and Materials Characterization [MC] at the Radiological Laboratory/Utility/Office Building [RLUOB], Los Alamos National Laboratory [LANL], Los Alamos, New Mexico [NM],” Apr 25, 2018
 • Bulletin 247: Update on US nuclear weapons; pit memorandum to NNSA, Apr 16, 2018
 • Lawmakers, seek help for plutonium addiction, Greg Mello, Santa Fe New Mexican, Apr 8, 2018
 • Pit production recommendations & considerations, Memo to NNSA Administrator Lisa Gordon-Hagerty, Apr 6, 2018
 • Heinrich Questions General Hyten On Key LANL Mission, Mar 20, 2018
 • Study Group files FOIA lawsuit to obtain plutonium warhead manufacturing study, press release, Mar 15, 2018
 • Bingaman, Domenici, Udall, Richardson, LANL, UC, and NNSA have all argued against Los Alamos becoming a larger, permanent plutonium "pit" production site, press note, Mar 8, 2018
 • Bulletin 245: Bingaman, Domenici, Udall, Richardson, LANL, UC, and NNSA have all argued against Los Alamos becoming a larger, permanent plutonium "pit" production site, Mar 8, 2018
 • Pit production: what precisely is NNSA poised to do where, and why?, Letter to Congressional Colleagues, Feb 27, 2018
 • Questions about projected U.S. plutonium pit production capability, International Panel on Fissile Materials, Greg Mello, Feb 22, 2018
   – Pit production in the United States: Background and issues, Mello, Feb 22, 2018
 • Bulletin 243: NNSA Issues Draft Environmental Assessment for One Part of Its Proposed Plutonium Factory Complex at LANL, Feb 22, 2018
 • NNSA Issues Draft Environmental Assessment for One Part of Its Proposed Plutonium Factory Complex at LANL, press release, Feb 22, 2018

 • Letter from Senators Udall & Heinrich & Rep Lujan to DOE Sec Perry re: AoA for plutonium pit production, Dec 18, 2017
 • U.S. plutonium pit population estimates, Mello, slide 19, Mar 2, 2010
 • Bulletin 238: Normative plutonium policies as we see them – a quick sketch, Dec 5, 2017
   – NNSA pit production Analysis of Alternatives (7pg summary), presented to the DNFSB, Jan 2018
   – NNSA pit production Analysis of Alternatives (9pg summary), Nov 2017
   – NNSA pit production Analysis of Alternatives (Exec Summary), Oct 2017
 • Bulletin 237: NNSA doubts LANL pit production; Nobel peace prize get-togethers Sunday Dec. 10 (Santa Fe & Albuquerque), Dec 4, 2017
 • NNSA Needs to Determine Critical Skills and Competencies for Its Strategic Materials Programs, GAO, Nov 2017
 • Bulletin 235: Fall fundraising request; news and quick updates, Oct 1, 2017
 • Expansion of Los Alamos Plutonium Warhead “Pit” Factory Eyed, Plutonium Pit Production Fact Sheet, updated Oct 2017
 • DNFSB board members Jesse Roberson & Daniel Santos memo stating objection to Memorandum of Agreement with DOE/NNSA, Aug 11, 2017
 • Sen Claire McCaskill letter to NNSA re: Safety Violations, Aug 3, 2017
 • House Armed Services Committee hearing, FY 2018 Priorities for Nuclear Forces, (clip of Congressman Garamendi Q&A), May 25, 2017

2016 & earlier
 • LANL Chemistry & Metallurgy Research Replacement Project (CMRR) and the CMR facility, DIR-16-161 from LANL to Sec of Energy Klotz, Dec 5, 2016
 • Today begins a time when significant reforms in nuclear policy can be made, Letter to colleagues, Nov 8, 2016
 • Congressional auditors flay Los Alamos plutonium plans, Letter to colleagues, Aug 12, 2016
 • Congressional auditors flay Los Alamos plutonium plans, press release, Aug 10, 2016
   – NNSA Needs to Clarify Requirements for Its Plutonium Analysis Project at Los Alamos, GAO, Aug 2016
 • Expansion of Los Alamos Plutonium Warhead “Pit” Factory Eyed, Plutonium Pit Production fact sheet, Jun 2016 (superseded by Oct 2017 fact sheet)
 • Rep. John Garamendi (D-CA) offers amendment to cut funding for expansion of plutonium pit production at Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL), May 24, 2016
   – role call vote
   – amendment
   – video
 • Bulletin #209: Help wanted; NNSA infrastructure plans presume a new Cold War, Oct 28, 2015
 • NNSA: Pit Sources for Life Extension Programs (LEPs) 2015
 • Opportunities for Risk Reduction at the Los Alamos National Laboratory Plutonium Facility through the Minimization of Material-At-Risk, Defense Nuclear Facilities Safety Board (DNFSB) Technical Report, Sep 21, 2015
 • Plutonium Pit Production options, compilation (by LASG) of reports by Jonathan E. Medalia, Congressional Research Service (CRS), Sep 2, 2015 [Note: We are very grateful to Jon for this outstanding body of work.]
 • In Brief: Options to Help Meet a Congressional Requirement for Nuclear Weapon “Pit” Production, Jonathan E. Medalia, CRS, May 22, 2015
 • Los Alamos-Supported Congressional Study Suggests Efficiency Improvements for Plutonium Warhead “Pit” Manufacturing, press release, May 18, 2015
   – Nuclear Weapon “Pit” Production: Options to Help Meet a Congressional Requirement, CRS, May 15, 2015
 • Bulletin #205: Congressional study shows multibillion-dollar underground factory “modules” for plutonium not needed at Los Alamos, May 18, 2015
 • Bulletin #204: Nuclear weapons modernization: assuring destruction forever, Apr 24, 2015
 • Kendall, Frank,, testimony, Senate Armed Services Strategic Forces Subcommittee, hearing, Mar 4, 2015
 • SASC hearing to receive testimony on U.S. nuclear weapons policy, programs, and strategy for FY 2016, (transcript) Mar 4, 2015
 • Manufacturing Nuclear Weapon “Pits”:Paths toward 80 Pits Per Year, Jonathan E. Medalia, CRS, Feb 19, 2015 (slides)
 • Comments to the Commission to Review the Effectiveness of the National Energy Laboratories (CRENEL), Sep 26, 2014
 • Bulletin #194: Plutonium is not your friend, Aug 31, 2014
 • $4.3 Billion in Additional Construction, Equipment Proposed for Los Alamos Plutonium Factory, press release, Aug 28, 2014
 • CMRR-NF Cancelled, Aug 21, 2014
 • Manufacturing Nuclear Weapon “Pits”: A Decisionmaking Approach for Congress, Jonathan E. Medalia, Congressional Research Service, (CRS), Aug 15, 2014
 • Letter from Nuclear Weapons Council (NWC) to Senate Appropriators, Jul 25, 2014
 • "New Mexico TRU," Study Group Calls for Pause in New Plutonium Waste at Los Alamo, press release, Jun 2, 2014
 • Federal Safety Board Cautions DOE on LANL Plutonium Facility, press release, May 20, 2014
 • Criticality safety at LANL's plutonium facility, DNFSB letter to NNSA administrator Frank Klotz , May 16, 2014
   – DNFSB annual report (see page 5), Mar 2014
 • Transparency in the U.S. Nuclear Weapons Stockpile, U.S. State Department, fact sheet, Apr 29, 2014
 • McMillan's remarks need clarification, Los Alamos Monitor, Mello, Apr 22, 2014
 • History of Statements on Pit Production Capacity, Jonathan E. Medalia, CRS, Apr 3, 2014
 • NNSA Criticality Safety Program Weaknesses Resulting in an Operational Pause at the Plutonium Facility (PF-4), Apr 2014
 • Report of the Plutonium Disposition Working Group: Analysis of Surplus Weapon‐Grade Plutonium Disposition Options, DOE, Apr 2014
 • In Brief: U.S. Nuclear Weapon “Pit” Production: Background and Options, Jonathan E. Medalia, CRS, Mar 20, 2014
 • Congressional Study Shows Administration’s Proposed New Plutonium Warhead Factory at Los Alamos Is Unnecessary, Unadvised, press release, Feb 27, 2014
 • U.S. Nuclear Weapon “Pit” Production Options for Congress, Jonathan E. Medalia, CRS, Feb 21, 2014
 • A Sisyphean History: Failed Efforts to Construct a Building to Restore Pit Production, Feb 21, 2014
 • Thinking Inside the Boxes: Can Existing Buildings Meet DoD’s Pit Needs?, Jonathan E. Medalia, CRS, Feb 12, 2014
   – slides
   – (earlier report) Pit Production Options, Jonathan E. Medalia, CRS, Nov 20, 2013
 • Plutonium Disposition Program - DOE needs to analyze the root causes of Cost Increases and Develop Better Cost Estimates, GAO, Feb 2014
 • Assessment of Nuclear Weapon Pit Production Requirements, report from Sec. of Defense Chuck Hagel to HASC, Jan 16, 2014
 • NNSA’s Management of the $245 million Nuclear Materials Safeguards and Security Upgrades Project (NMSSUP) Phase II at Los Alamos National Laboratory, DOE-IG report, Jan 2, 2014
   – More information on the NMSSUP
 •  New Year's Eve note to selected government staff, Dec 31, 2013
 • Defense bill passes Congress, mandates new underground plutonium factory “modules” in Los Alamos, press release, Dec 20, 2013
 • National Defense Authorization Act FY 2014, H.R. 3304, Sec. 3117 & 3123 (passed House, to be considered by Senate Dec 18)
 • Pit Production Options, Jonathan E. Medalia, CRS, Nov 20, 2013
 • Modernizing the Nuclear Security Enterprise, Observations on NNSA’s Options for Meeting Its Plutonium Research Needs, GAO, Sep 2013
 • Letter to DNFSB re: LANL's TA-55 & proposed plutonium plans, Aug 23, 2013
 • John R. Harvey, DoD, "On the Path to a '3+2 Vision' for U.S. Nuclear Forces," Jun 13, 2013
 • Bulletin #170: REMINDER: Quash the "Obama nuclear surge": campaign roll-out in NM THIS WEEK, May 7, 2013 
 • Bulletin #169: Quash the Obama nuclear surge: campaign roll-out in NM next week, May 3, 2013
 • Letter to federal parties re: resumption of NNSA budget and program hearings, Apr 17, 2013
 • "Assessing Approaches to Weapon Life Extension Programs (LEPs)," Donald Cook, NNSA, Feb 20, 2013
 • Letter to Congress re: plutonium sustainment, Dec 12, 2012
 • Plutonium in Warhead Cores (“Pits”) Stable to 150 Years, press release, Dec 6, 2012
 • Comments on the “60-Day Study” from LANS, on warhead plutonium sustainment, Aug 8, 2012
 • Los Alamos National Laboratory Update for Regional Community Leaders' Breakfast, Terry C. Wallace, Jr., Jul 24, 2012
 • "The United States Plutonium Balance, 1944-2009," Jun 26, 2012, update of "Plutonium: The First 50 Years," Feb 1996
 • CMRR Background Briefing to Senate Foreign Relations Staff, Craig Leasure, Jun 19, 2012
 • Los Alamos National Laboratory Weapons Program, Laboratory Director Update, LANS/LLNS Mission Committee, Jonathan S. Ventura, Jun 2012
 • "The Proposed Chemistry and Metallurgy Research Replacement Nuclear Facility (CMRR-NF): New Realities Call for New Thinking," Dec 10, 2010
 • "U.S. Plutonium 'Pit' Production: Additional Facilities, Production Restart are Unnecessary, Costly and Provocative," Mar 2, 2010
   – U.S. plutonium pit population estimates, Mello, slide 19, Mar 2, 2010
 • DOE & DoD, "National Security and Nuclear Weapons in the 21st Century," Sep 2008
 • Brief Comments on the “Report on the Feasibility of Using Existing Pits for the Reliable Replacement Warhead [RRW] Program,” NNSA, Sep 5, 2008
   – Report on the Feasibility of Using Existing Pits for the Reliable Replacement Warhead (RRW) Program, DOE/NNSA, Aug 8, 2008
   – Innovative Warhead Design "Pit Reuse," James V. Tyler
 • "A Little Primer on Plutonium and Poverty in New Mexico," brochure.
 • The WMD Way of Life: Pit production equipment in Los Alamos parking lot, (photo) Jan 2006
 • Plutonium Pit Production in the 21st Century, Salient features of DPAG study, Linda Branstetter, Mar 21, 2000
 • "Subcritical" Nuclear Tests Have Apparently Begun at Los Alamos, press release, Jan 13, 1999
 • Gregory Mello, pit affidavit, Apr 6, 1998
 • LANL Plan to Detonate Plutonium Poses Risks to Region, press release, May 14, 1997
 • Letter to Secretary of Energy Hazel O'Leary, Oct 22, 1996

SRPPF drawingSavannah River Plutonium Processing Facility (SRPPF)

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Related news media
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 • Caja del Rio Coalition urges Forest Service to reject LANL transmission line, Santa Fe New Mexican, Aug 17, 2024
 • Decrease — don't increase — U.S. nuclear arsenal, Allison Lemons, Santa Fe New Mexican, Aug 16, 2024
 • Watchdog group reports 'extreme contamination' of plutonium at Los Alamos open space, with published comments by Greg Mello, Santa Fe New Mexican, Aug 15, 2024
 • LANL's unsung second leader still made headlines in 'The New Mexican', Santa Fe New Mexican, Aug 4, 2024
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 • An artist's nuclear reaction, Santa Fe New Mexican, Aug 1, 2024
 • Recent lawsuit highlights city's struggle to respond to records requests in a timely manner, Santa Fe New Mexican, Aug 1, 2024
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 • NNSA head says Los Alamos lab growth has ‘about peaked’, Exchange Monitor, Jul 26, 2024
 • Old MOX equipment removed from Savannah River Plutonium Production Facility, Exchange Monitor, Jul 24, 2024
 • Advocates Pass on Plutonium, New Mexicans speak out against proposed LANL pit production at town hall, Santa Fe Reporter, Jul 24, 2024
 • During public meeting with NM locals, DOE bosses get earful on pits, WIPP, power lines, Exchange Monitor, Jul 23, 2024
 • New Mexicans and Fed Clash over LANL Weapons Plan, KSFR, Jul 23, 2024
 • Anti-nuclear advocates decry LANL pit production plans, Santa Fe New Mexican, Jul 22, 2023
 • On Trinity test anniversary, U.S. should rethink national priorities, with published comments by Greg Mello, Santa Fe New Mexican, Jul 20, 2024
 • Need for Pits Pushed Back Several Years, Commentary, Los Alamos Reporter, Jul 19, 2024
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 • LANL logs two glove box mishaps in the same week, Santa Fe New Mexican, May 9, 2024
 • Anti-nuclear group sues Santa Fe for slow records response, Santa Fe New Mexican, May 6, 2024
 • US nuclear agency struggles with production and costs, Physics Today, May 1, 2024
 • At S.C. meeting, some head-nodding over anti's stance that SRS should make all pits, Exchange Monitor, Apr 30, 2024
 • Top end of pit-plant acquisition north of $35B, NNSA administrator says, Exchange Monitor, Apr 26, 2024
 • Sea-launched cruise missile is NNSA unfunded priority; warhead other than W80-4 possible; Savannah River taking half of W93’s pits, Exchange Monitor, Apr 19, 2024
 • Government watchdog says LANL could be doing more to prevent glove box contaminant releases, Santa Fe New Mexican, Apr 17, 2024
     — Letter from DNFSB Chair Connery re: Glovebox safety program and glovebox glove integrity program at LANL, Apr 10, 2024
 • LANL helping build machine to research plutonium criticality in nuclear weapons, Santa Fe New Mexican, with published comment by Greg Mello, Apr 14, 2024
 • LANL transition should concern community, James Rickman, Apr 10, 2024
 • Reports: 2 mishaps at LANL in one day, Santa Fe New Mexican, Apr 8, 2024
 • LANL director expects massive hiring effort to plateau as nuclear pit production ramps up, Santa Fe New Mexican, with published comment by Greg Mello, Apr 3, 2024
 • Driver Charged With Possession Of Drugs And Stolen Firearm Following LAPD Response To Reckless Driving Report, Los Alamos Reporter, Mar 29, 2024
 • NNSA seeks $1B boost for fiscal year 2025; Savannah River pit estimate soars, Exchange Monitor, Mar 15, 2024
 • Los Alamos National Lab's budget could grow to a record $5 billion in next fiscal year, Santa Fe New Mexican, with published comments by Greg Mello, Mar 12, 2024
 • Plutonium Pit 'panic' threatens America's nuclear ambitions, The Hill, with corrections & comments by Greg Mello, Mar 6, 2024
 • Skyrocketing cost of US nuclear missile program spurs reckoning, The Hill, Mar 5, 2024
 • Plutonium pit-aging studies will cost NNSA at least $1B, not counting equipment, GAO says, Exchange Monitor, Mar 1, 2024
 • Belly of the Beast: LASG's Greg Mello at DC Nuclear Deterrence Summit, Nuclear Hotseat, Feb 27, 2024
 • LANL's prototype plutonium bomb core passes key tests, Santa Fe New Mexican, with published comment by Greg Mello, Feb 19, 2024
 • Veterans for Peace on the dangers of the Nuclear Industrial Complex, Feb 15, 2024
 • LANL director addresses rash of safety incidents, Santa Fe New Mexican, with published comment by Greg Mello, Feb 10, 2024
 • Los Alamos glovebox fire sprinklers could cause criticality, safety watchdog says, Exchange Monitor, Feb 9, 2024
 • Los Alamos National Laboratory logs two more skin-contamination incidents, Santa Fe New Mexican, Feb 5, 2024
 • Thirty pits a year in 2028 at Los Alamos meets STRATCOM needs, commander says, Exchange Monitor, Feb 2, 2024
 • US nuclear agency isn't consistent in tracking costs for some construction projects, report says, Associated Press, Jan 25, 2024
 • Los Alamos sees spate of radiological contamination episodes around plutonium facility, Exchange Monitor, Jan 18, 2024
 • Report: Another LANL worker's skin contaminated, Santa Fe New Mexican, with published comment by Greg Mello, Jan 16, 2024
 • Report: Radioactive contaminants found on Los Alamos National Lab worker's skin, Santa Fe New Mexican, Jan 9, 2024
 • Santa Fe city councilor pulls resolution opposing plutonium pit production at LANL, Santa Fe New Mexican, with published comment by Greg Mello, Jan 4, 2024
 • Nuclear Option, Santa Fe Reporter, Jan 3, 2024
 • Energy officials grant more time to comment on LANL power line plan, Santa Fe New Mexican, with published comment by Greg Mello, Dec 28, 2023
 • LANL restricted for now from plan to dilute, dispose of plutonium, Santa Fe New Mexican, with published comment by Greg Mello, Dec 28, 2023
 • Will the Santa Fe City Council Stand Tall Against Pit Production, La Jicarita, Dec 21, 2023
 • Glove box fire closed part of LANL plutonium facility in November, Santa Fe New Mexican, with published comment by Greg Mello, Dec 19, 2023
 • Glovebox Fire shuts portion of LANL plutonium lab for nearly two weeks, Exchange Monitor, Dec 15, 2023
 • Glovebox Fire shuts portion of LANL plutonium lab for nearly a month, Exchange Monitor, Dec 12, 2023
 • A gigantic new ICBM will take U.S. nuclear missiles out of the Cold War-era but add 21st-century risks, AP, with Greg Mello published comments, Dec 10, 2023
 • Air Force general says Sentinel can be tipped with multiple warheads, Exchange Monitor, Dec 1, 2023
 • Dems want cost estimates Congress didn’t ask for in nuke modernization report, Exchange Monitor, Nov 17, 2023
 • Workers Are Getting Paid to Do Nothing at Los Alamos National Laboratory, The Nation, Nov 9, 2023
 • Chess, cards and catnaps in the heart of America’s nuclear weapons complex, Searchlight New Mexico, Nov 8, 2023
 • Lab contractor cited for 2022 glove box breach, Santa Fe New Mexican, with published comment by Greg Mello, Nov 3, 2023
 • LANL reports glove box breach, tritium drift weeks apart, Santa Fe New Mexican, with published comment by Greg Mello, Nov 1, 2023
 • Glovebox design nearly done for SRS pit plant; facility should open in 2032, official says, Exchange Monitor, Oct 27, 2023
 • LANL Shares Two Major Needs with County Council: Housing and Transportation, Oct 26, 2023
 • NNSA kicks can on facility crucial to disposing of old warhead cores, Exchange Monitor, Oct 20, 2023
 • Amid current upgrades, commission foresees replacing LANL plutonium facility, Santa Fe New Mexican, with Greg Mello's published comments, Oct 20, 2023
 • Bi-partisan support for strategic posture report in Senate Armed Services Committee hearing, Exchange Monitor, Oct 19, 2023
 • Wrap up: ...Antis denounce LANL pit production, Exchange Monitor, Oct 13, 2023
 • Anti-nuclear activists push City Council to oppose LANL pit production, Santa Fe New Mexican, Oct 11, 2023
 • Eight workers exposed to beryllium dust at LANL, a recurring problem, Santa Fe New Mexican, Sep 27, 2023
 • Birthplace of the atomic bomb braces for its biggest mission since the top-secret Manhattan Project, Associated Press, Sep 23, 2023
 • Plutonium Pits, New Bombs, Los Alamos Never Learns – Greg Mello, Nuclear Hotseat, Sep 5, 2023
 • LANL's plutonium facility appears seismically sound, safety board say, Santa Fe New Mexican, Sep 5, 2023
 • Livermore's Bauer to lead new 'blueprint' to revamp NNSA enterprise, Exchange Monitor, Sep 1, 2023
 • GAO: Lab faces four-year delay, cost growth for making nuclear bomb cores, Santa Fe New Mexican, with published comment by Greg Mello, Aug 18, 2023
 • Satellite campuses make sense for crowded Los Alamos lab, Santa Fe New Mexican, with published comments by Greg Mello, Aug 12, 2023
 • Energy secretary discusses decision at LANL to restore Oppenheimer's clearance, Santa Fe New Mexican, with published comments by Greg Mello, Aug 11, 2023
 • Carcinogens found at Montana nuclear missile sites as reports of hundreds of cancers surface, Associated Press, Aug 7, 2023
 • LANL exploring mini-campus for Santa Fe or Bernalillo County, Santa Fe New Mexican, with published comments by Greg Mello, Aug 5, 2023
 • Oppenheimer: The Real Plan for U.S. Nuclear Domination, Then and Now, Brian Becker, BreakThroughNews, Jul 27, 2023
 • Ex-nuclear weapons official says plutonium pit production delays ‘very disturbing’, Exchange Monitor, Jul 27, 2023
 • CovertAction Bulletin: “The Past Is Not Past” – Oppenheimer and the U.S. Nuclear Program Today, Covert Action Magazine, Jul 26, 2023
 • In the Lab Oppenheimer Built, the U.S. Is Building Nuclear Bomb Cores Again, W.J. Hennigan, TIME, Jul 24, 2023
 • Concrete placements completed for Los Alamos National Laboratory warehouses supporting pit mission, Jul 20, 2023
 • NNSA to award $2.17 million for new apprenticeship programs, Jul 20, 2023
 • ‘The Real Purpose In Making The Bomb Was To Subdue The Soviets.’ Now It’s Happening Again, On A Vast Scale. Why? – July 22 At Fuller Lodge, Los Alamos Reporter, Jul 19, 2023
 • Los Alamos workforce will level off at about 20,000 by 2025, Triad official says, Exchange Monitor, Jul 19, 2023
 • Wester says New Mexico has to lead on nuclear weapon disarmament, Santa Fe New Mexican, Jul 16, 2023, with published comment by Greg Mello
 • Safety Lapses at Los Alamos National Laboratory, Searchlight New Mexico, Jul 13, 2023
 • Archbishop to denounce nuclear arms on Trinity test's 78th anniversary, Santa Fe New Mexican, Jul 10, 2023, with published comment by Greg Mello
 • Ukraine War Makes it Harder to be a Nuclear ‘Dove’ | Our Land, Laura Paskus, New Mexico in Focus, Jun 30, 2023
 • LANL talks pit production upgrades at plutonium facility tour, Santa Fe New Mexican, with published comments by Greg Mello, Jun 25, 2023
 • House Committee nixes plan to repeal binding pit-production targets; authorizes $24B for NNSA, Exchange Monitor, Jun 23, 2023
 • Thirty pits a year by 2030 or sooner; first pit in 2024, Los Alamos weapons chief says, Exchange Monitor, Jun 23, 2023
 • House Appropriators approve more money for NNSA pits; take from research, nonproliferation, Exchange Monitor, Jun 23, 2023
 • Navy, National Guard brief South Carolina officials on Savannah River’s national security role, Exchange Monitor, Jun 9, 2023
 • The ABCs of a Nuclear Education, Searchlight New Mexico, Jun 7, 2023
 • Los Alamos National Lab contractor cited for 2021 violations, with published comments by Greg Mello, Santa Fe New Mexican, Jun 2, 2023
 • Air Force authorizes start of construction on Sentinel support facilities, Exchange Monitor, Jun 2, 2023
 • LANL contractor cited by NNSA for series of plutonium facility safety violations in 2021, Exchange Monitor, Jun 2, 2023
 • Triad Hit By DOE With Preliminary Notice Of Violation For 5 Nuclear Safety Issues At Plutonium Facility PF4 In 2021, Los Alamos Reporter, May 31, 2023
 • Sluggish plutonium-pit production tells allies and adversaries U.S. nuke modernization ‘not important,” expert says, Exchange Monitor, May 26, 2023
 • LANL Director Discusses Leased Properties, Land Transfers, Housing And More At Recent All-Hands Meeting, Los Alamos Reporter, May 25, 2023
 • Columbus Capital Confirms Purchase of Mari Mac Shopping Center from Smith's Grocery Centers, Los Alamos Reporter, May 20, 2023
 • LANL Announces Plutonium Premium Pay Retention Pilot Program For Plutonium Mission Workers, Los Alamos Reporter, May 16, 2023
 • Rental 'bungalows' in the works near I-25, Cerrillos Road, Santa Fe New Mexican, May 15, 2023
 • Delivery dates for next round of nukes get hazier in latest annual NNSA progress report, Exchange Monitor, Apr 28, 2023
 • US nuclear weapons modernization plan spurs cost questions, Associated Press, Apr 26, 2023. Also in: The Hill, U.S. News & World Report, Santa Fe New Mexican, Albuquerque Journal, The Washington Post, The Seattle Times, South Carolina Public Radio, NewsNation,CTV News, WSB Radio, National Post, The Independent (UK), & many others.
 • Uncontaminated water accidentally released into basement of LANL plutonium facility, Santa Fe New Mexican, Apr 24, 2023
 • Despite unknowns, NNSA plunges ahead on plutonium pits, Physics Today, Apr 2023
 • NNSA won’t know how much 80 pits per year will cost until 2025, Exchange Monitor, Apr 21, 2023
 • NNSA Administrator Jill Hruby Offers Frank Answers On LANL Plutonium Pit Production And More During Hybrid Town Hall Meeting In Santa Fe, Los Alamos Reporter, Apr 11, 2023
 • 'Stop making nuclear weapons': Activists press federal chief on LANL pit push, Santa Fe New Mexican, Apr 4, 2023
 • Labor shortage outlasts COVID, delays nuclear-weapons infrastructure, NNSA administrator says, Exchange Monitor, Mar 31, 2023
 • Uranium Processing Facility in ‘28 or ‘29; Los Alamos pits stymied by staff shortfall, NNSA budget doc says, Exchange Monitor, Mar 17, 2023
 • Los Alamos National Lab operator gets good review, but safety, production concerns remain, (with published comment by Greg Mello), Santa Fe New Mexican, Mar 13, 2023
 • LANL still has responsibility to monitor Russian nukes after treaty suspension, lab head says, (with published comment by Greg Mello), Santa Fe New Mexican, Feb 27, 2023
 • Shifting military requirements changed design of new ICBM pit; first unit delayed, Exchange Monitor, Feb 17, 2023
 • 80-plus pits needed annually in future; Savannah River to pick up the slack, NNSA admin says, Exchange Monitor, Feb 17, 2023
 • Possible to get 30 pits at Los Alamos before 2030, lab director says, Exchange Monitor, Feb 17, 2023
 • US takes another step toward gearing up nuclear pit factory, AP, Feb 10, 2023
 • Deputy Secretary Of Energy Approves CD2/3 For Los Alamos Plutonium Pit Production Project 30 Base Equipment Installation Subproject, Los Alamos Reporter, Feb 3, 2023
 • Los Alamos will have equipment to make 30 nuke cores by 2030, according to DOE memo, Exchange Monitor, Feb 3, 2023
 • Greg Mello of Los Alamos Study Group takes on Nuclear Deterrence Summit Warmongers!, The Nuclear Hotseat, Jan 31, 2023
 • GAO Report Says NNSA Lacks Comprehensive Schedule, Cost Estimate For Pit Production Capability, Los Alamos Reporter, Jan 12, 2023
 • US nuclear agency falls short on scheduling, cost estimates, Associated Press, Jan 12, 2023
 • GAO: Cost, time estimates for making nuclear bomb cores flawed, Santa Fe New Mexican, Jan 12, 2023
 • NNSA Has No Reliable Schedule, Cost Estimates For Pits, GAO Says, Defense Daily, Jan 11, 2023
 • $10 Trillion for Nuclear War: Racing to the Nuclear Cliff, The Socialist Program with Brian Becker, Jan 10, 2023
 • US Nuclear Deterrent Jeopardized by Weak Infrastructure, NewsMax, Jan 5, 2023
 • LANL's record $4.6B budget will still mostly fund nuclear weapons, Santa Fe New Mexican, Jan 4, 2023

2022 - media
 • Getting rid of plutonium pits — so many questions, Santa Fe New Mexican, editorial, Dec 24, 2022
 • What’s The Plan For The Mari-Mac Shopping Center? Columbus Capital Principals Branch And Gonzales Explain, Los Alamos Reporter, Dec 22, 2022
 • ‘It’s Housing Driven’: LANL, Hiring And Local Housing, Los Alamos Reporter, Dec 19, 2022
 • Who decides priorities for New Mexico?, Nancy King, Santa Fe New Mexican, Dec 18, 2022
 • LANL would aid in diluting plutonium in controversial disposal plan, Santa Fe New Mexican, with Greg Mello comments, Dec 17, 2022
 • Military spending bill would give LANL record budget, with Greg Mello comments, Santa Fe New Mexican, Dec 16, 2022
 • RLUOB recategorization for pit mission in early ’23, Los Alamos says, Exchange Monitor, Dec 9, 2022
 • LANL operating contract to be extended 5 years, with Greg Mello comments, Santa Fe New Mexican, Dec 6, 2022
 • Watchdog agency grills LANL, nuclear officials on lab safety, Santa Fe New Mexican, Nov 16, 2022
 • CD-2 for Savannah River pits expected in fiscal 2025; demo contract inked, Exchange Monitor, Nov 4, 2022
 • NNSA preparing to explain UPF delays to Congress, Exchange Monitor, Nov 4, 2022
 • NNSA report calls for reform of management and ops contracts; says parents cos. of site management teams of little help, Exchange Monitor, Oct 28, 2022
 • LANL remains key part of U.S. nuclear weapons plan, Santa Fe New Mexican, Oct 27, 2022
 • Demand boom predicted for glove boxes in coming years, Exchange Monitor, Oct 7, 2022
 • LANL's pit production a year behind schedule, Santa Fe New Mexican, Oct 4, 2022
 • COVID-19 created more than a year's worth of delays for pit production at Los Alamos, lab said, Exchange Monitor Publications, Morning Briefing, Sep 27, 2022
 • Agency to hold public comment on Los Alamos National Lab sitewide review, Santa Fe New Mexican, (with comment by Greg Mello), Sep 12, 2022
 • NNSA, Please Repair Your Broken NEPA Process Or Don’t Bother With It, Los Alamos Reporter, Greg Mello, commentary, Sep 12, 2022
 • Letter from New Mexico: "Nuclear Bombs are US," Capitol Hill Citizen, Carol Miller, Sep 2022
 • County Receives Special Use Permit Application For Self-Storage Facility At Mari Mac Shopping Center, Los Alamos Reporter Sep 7, 2022
 • Los Alamos National Laboratory 2021 Campus Master Plan Reveals Plans For Extensive Infrastructure Transformation, Los Alamos Reporter Sep 5, 2022
 • LANL's astounding growth also creates added pressure on safety, accountability, Santa Fe New Mexican, Aug 29, 2022
 • Watchdog groups call review at US nuclear lab ‘sham’ process, Associated Press, Aug 19, 2022
 • Federal agency to conduct sitewide review of Los Alamos National Laboratory, Santa Fe New Mexican, Aug 19, 2022
 • Most NNSA transuranic waste at Los Alamos not yet ready for burial at WIPP, Exchange Monitor Jul 29, 2022
 • Federal report: LANL has deficiencies in fire safety systems,Santa Fe New Mexican, Jul 26, 2022
 • House, Senate NDAAs both want much more for South Carolina pits, Exchange Monitor, Jul 21, 2022
 • Faulty ventilation seal caused radioactive leak at LANL, Santa Fe New Mexican, Jul 7, 2022
 • House appropriations bill would approve $21B for NNSA in 2023, keep B83 alive, kill SLCM-N, Exchange Monitor, Jun 29, 2022
 • Bipartisan votes in annual defense-spending debate save sea-launched nuke, boost pits by lots, Exchange Monitor, Jun 23, 2022
 • Oversight office says LANL operator safer than predecessor but still lacking, Santa Fe New Mexican, Jun 21, 2022
 • Congress should ‘move forward’ with NNSA’s plan for plutonium pits, Armed Services chair says, Exchange Monitor, Jun 17, 2022
 • Nuclear agency plans five new plutonium buildings at Los Alamos lab, Santa Fe New Mexican, May 18, 2022
 • More money won’t buy more pits, NNSA administrator, Nuclear Weapons Council chair tell senators, Exchange Monitor, May 5, 2022
 • NNSA, Pentagon ‘sorting out’ pit needs; new pits are ‘a hedge,’ NNSA administrator says, Exchange Monitor, Apr 29, 2022
 • US nuclear agency sued over public records requests, Associated Press, Apr 6, 2022
     – Also published in the Santa Fe New Mexican,, El Paso, Inc.
 • NNSA Seeks 60% Boost for Budget Line That Funds Pits; Eclipses Expected Increase For FY23, Defense Daily, Apr 1, 2022
 • The core debate: A multi-billion-dollar project to make plutonium cores... Searchlight New Mexico, Mar 23, 2022
     – With Russia at war in Ukraine, US ramps up nuclear-weapons mission at Los Alamos. Is it a 'real necessity'?, USA Today, Mar 23, 2022
     – Also published in the Alamogordo Daily News, Carlsbad Current Argus, Farmington Daily Times, Las Cruces Sun-News, Ruidoso News, Silver City Sun-News & The Paper - Albuquerque.
 • Biden Nominee to Lead Civilian Nuclear Weapons Office Gets His Hearing; Supports Review of Warhead Trigger Program, Defense Daily, Mar 22, 2022
 • The Huge Gap Between How Serious Nuclear War Is And How Seriously It’s Being Taken,, Mar 16, 2022
 • Nuclear expert speaks on the dangers of war between the US and Russia, World Socialist Web Site, Mar 15, 2022
 • Indigenous pueblos, environmentalists fight back against Los Alamos intrusion onto sacred land, Liberation, Mar 10, 2022
 • STRATCOM head Gen. Chas Richard noted the government has whiffed on its plutonium pit production goal, Breaking Defense, Mar 8, 2022
 • Government Watchdog: LANL's planned steam power plant lacks promised savings, Santa Fe New Mexican, Feb 15, 2022
 • Admiral Asks, What is NNSA’s ‘Real Capacity’ for Pits and When Can Agency ‘Really’ Make Them, Exchange Monitor Publications, Feb 11, 2022
 • LANL contractor gets good rating from feds but had safety lapses, Santa Fe New Mexican, Feb 10, 2022
 • Panel will look into leak of radioactive material at LANL, Santa Fe New Mexican, Feb 7, 2022
 • LANL Steam Plant Energy Savings Performance Contract, Phase One, DOE-IG report, Feb 6, 2022
 • U.S. Army Patriot Battalion To Conduct Exercises In Los Alamos In Mid-February, Los Alamos Reporter, Jan 25, 2022
 • Glovebox Breach Jan. 7 At LANL’s Plutonium Facility-4 Results In Skin And PPE Contamination Of Two Workers, Third Taken For Outpatient Treatment, Los Alamos Reporter, Jan 24, 2022
 • LANL Transit Options For Expected Increased Employment, Los Alamos Reporter, Jan 22, 2022
 • NNSA Announces New Progress On Los Alamos National Laboratory Plutonium Pit Production Production, Los Alamos Reporter, Jan 14, 2022
     – LANL Transit Plans for 2022, Jan 6, 2022
 • Nuclear Madness + Leadership Acquiescence = Extreme Risk to All, Retake our Democracy, Jan 14, 2022
 • Archbishop Wester Says Urgency Of Nuclear Disarmament Conversation Is Clear, Los Alamos Reporter, Jan 11, 2022
 • Los Alamos Study Group Responds To DOE/NNSA Announcement Of Plans For LANL Site-Wide Environmental Impact Statement, Los Alamos Reporter, Jan 8, 2022
 • Defense Nuclear Facilities Safety Board review of LANL's transportation safety, Jan 6, 2022
 • Defense Nuclear Facilities Safety Board review of pit staging at the Pantex Plant, Jan 6, 2022

2021 - media
 • New Mexico tribes concerned about plan to power nuclear lab, Associated Press, Dec 29, 2021
 • Some LANL plutonium stored in vulnerable containers, Santa Fe New Mexican, Dec 22, 2021
 • Bill with cleanup funds for LANL, Cannon and Holloman bases heads to president, Santa Fe New Mexican, Dec 16, 2021
 • Mason: LANL gearing up to produce nuclear triggers, Santa Fe New Mexican, Dec 2,
 • Defense Nuclear Facilities Safety Board review of conceptual design of LANL LAP4, Nov 24, 2021
 • Nuclear warhead cores production brings expansion, jobs to Savannah River Site, Augusta Chronicle, Nov 18, 2021
 • NNSA support for Savannah River nuke work evident, says official , Aiken Standard, Nov 17, 2021
 • LANL's improperly stored nuclear safes raise larger concerns, Santa Fe New Mexican, Nov 1, 2021
 • Senators eye NNSA plans for waste disposal as nuke modernization continues, Aiken Standard, Sep 23, 2021
 • Unforeseen disruptions to Los Alamos pit production would jeopardize new warhead, warns NNSA boss, Aiken Standard, Sep 18, 2021
     – Letter from NNSA Administrator Jill Hruby to Congresswoman Liz Cheney, Aug 25, 2021
 • A committee kerfuffle over plutonium pits foreshadows bigger battles, Aiken Standard, Sep 11, 2021
 • Lawmakers set for battle over next-gen nuclear missile, Defense News, Sep 9, 2021
 • Pit Debate in 18-Month ‘Tactical Pause,’ House Armed Services Chair Says, Exchange Monitor, Sep 1, 2021
 • Rep. Adam Smith doesn’t trust the Savannah River Site, Aiken Standard, Aug 31, 2021
 • MOX failed. But plutonium pit production is different, argues NNSA exec, Aiken Standard, Aug 21, 2021
 • New Mexico Innovation Triangle’s Plans For Former Hilltop House Property At 90 Percent, Los Alamos Reporter, Aug 18, 2021
 • Radioactive water spill prompts investigation at Los Alamos lab, Santa Fe New Mexican, Aug 16, 2021
 • NNSA moving on new facility to dispose of plutonium - greens, Energy Daily, Aug 12, 2021
 • LANL Conducts Fact Finding On 200-Gallon Water Spill July 19 At Plutonium Facility 4, Los Alamos Reporter, Aug 6, 2021
 • Los Alamos can meet its pit production milestones, officials believe. SRS can’t, Aiken Standard, Aug 5, 2021
 • Pit production in SC, New Mexico among NNSA leader’s pressing priorities, Aiken Standard, Aug 3, 2021
 • Jill Hruby holds first all-hands meeting and outlines initiatives and priorities, NNSA, Aug 2, 2021
 • Energy Department: Cap rather than clean up Los Alamos lab waste site, (with comment by Greg Mello), Santa Fe New Mexican, Jul 31, 2021
 • The Nuclear Weapons Council is worried about Biden’s spending. So are activists., Aiken Standard, Jul 31, 2021
 • Earthquake shakes small Northern N.M. town, Santa Fe New Mexican, Jul 12, 2021
 • SRNS president will ‘push as hard as I can’ to meet 2030 target for plutonium pits, Aiken Standard, Jul 12, 2021
 • NNSA Approves CD-1 Range for Savannah River Pit Factory; $6.9B-$11.1B, Exchange Monitor, Jun 29, 2021
 • Groups sue Biden admin over planned expansion of nuke work, Associated Press, Jun 29, 2021
 • Watchdog groups suing Biden administration over plutonium pit plans, Aiken Standard, Jun 29, 2021
 • ‘Challenging’ to get 30 Pits a Year at Los Alamos in 2026, Director Says, Exchange Monitor, Jun 28, 2021
 • US officials double down on push for nuclear modernization, Associated Press, Jun 25, 2021
 • Acting DOE Nuke Boss Won’t Play Down Pit Costs in Armed Services Hearing, Exchange Monitor, Jun 25, 2021
 • Delays to pit production are Gen. Hyten’s ‘greatest infrastructure concern’, Aiken Standard, Jun 24, 2021
 • Time To Stop Modernizing America’s Nukes And To Start Negotiating Peace – OpEd, EurasiaReview, Dave Lindorff, Jun 23, 2021
  • Advanced Nuclear Weapons Alliance Deterrence Center virtual forum on Modernizing the US Strategic Nuclear Deterrent, Jun 22, 2021
 • Senators Mostly Unmoved by Disarmament Arguments, but King Curious About Sole Launch Authority, Exchange Monitor, Jun 17, 2021
 • Pit production delay ‘a vivid reminder’ of years of inaction, says former NNSA boss, Aiken Standard, Jun 16, 2021
 • Plutonium pit production in SC might happen in 2035. The target was 2030, Aiken Standard, Jun 12, 2021
 • NNSA Can’t Make 80-Pit Production Deadline, Acting Administrator Says, Exchange Monitor, Jun 11, 2021
 • DoE Nuclear Agency Can’t Fully Meet Production Deadline for Warhead Cores, Agency Official Tells Lawmakers, Defense Daily, Jun 10, 2021
 • Pit production goals jeopardized as planned Savannah River plant hits schedule snags, Aiken Standard, Jun 10, 2021
 • Potential NNSA boss backs dilute-and-dispose plutonium plan involving SC, New Mexico, Aiken Standard, Jun 10, 2021
 • Billions of dollars and late? Biden’s budget highlights potential SRS pit problems, Aiken Standard, Jun 4, 2021
 • NNSA ’22 Budget Details: SRS Pit Costs Balloon; W80 Alt for Sea-Launched Cruise Missile; B83 Sustainment Price Tag, Exchange Monitor, Jun 1, 2021
 • SRS Pit Plant Might be Five Years Later Than Hoped, NNSA Administrator-Designate Nominee Tells Senators, Exchange Monitor, May 28, 2021
 • $20B Biden NNSA Budget Whacks Weapon Activities, Compared With Trump Forecast, Exchange Monitor, May 28, 2021
 • Biden proposes $1 billion for nuclear weapons work, Santa Fe New Mexican, May 28, 2021
 • Biden nuclear nominee would continue Trump-era plutonium pit production plans, Defense News, May 28, 2021
 • Savannah River pit production could miss 2030 target, says Biden nuke nominee, Aiken Standard, May 27, 2021
 • Tritium upgrades at Savannah River Site ‘essential’ for nuclear bomb refurbishment, Aiken Standard, May 26, 2021
 • LANL Criticality Safety Personnel at Critical Mass for Planned Pit Production, Review Says, Exchange Monitor, May 25, 2021
 • Senators Probe Acting NNSA Chief About Livermore Pits, Foreign Uranium, Exchange Monitor, May 20, 2021
 • ‘Next steps’ for nuclear waste storage strategy teased by energy secretary,Aiken Standard, May 20, 2021
 • LANL’s Area G Under Standing Order Restricting Operations To Essential Activities, Los Alamos Reporter, May 20, 2021
 • Plutonium pit plan involving SC endorsed by Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm, Aiken Standard, May 6, 2021
 • Rep. Joe Wilson eyes $525 million for Savannah River Site nuke projects, Aiken Standard, May 3, 2021
 • LANL returns to Santa Fe just as pit production is approved, Albuquerque Journal, May 2, 2021
 • Disbelief haunts NNSA’s early approval of Los Alamos pit production project, Aiken Standard, Apr 30, 2021
 • NNSA Issues Early Milestone Decision on Los Alamos Pit Production, Exchange Monitor, Apr 30, 2021
 • Los Alamos National Laboratory Announces New Directorate For Plutonium Infrastructure, Los Alamos Reporter, Apr 30, 2021
 • US pushes ahead with nuclear plans despite watchdog concerns, Associated Press, Apr 29, 2021
 • SRS pit production pitch not nixed by decision to move forward at Los Alamos National Lab, Aiken Standard, Apr 28, 2021
 • Plutonium pit production expansion is essential, STRATCOM boss tells Congress, Aiken Standard, Apr 22, 2021
 • Los Alamos lab power line to stretch through national forest, Santa Fe New Mexican, Apr 20, 2021
 • US lab looks to boost power supply ahead of nuclear mission, Associated Press, Apr 20, 2021
 • Public input begins for new LANL power line, Albuquerque Journal, Apr 19, 2021
 • Sparks flying from nuclear waste barrel prompt investigation, Santa Fe New Mexican, Apr 2, 2021
 • Rep. Wilson, others urge Biden to invest in nuke modernization and pit production, Aiken Standard, Mar 25, 2021
 • Council’s Focus On Pit Production As A County Federal Priority Questioned, Los Alamos Reporter, Mar 23, 2021
 • NNSA Says No Injuries, Contamination During February 26 Incident At LANL Plutonium Facility, Los Alamos Reporter, Mar 17, 2021
 • Ongoing ‘review’ forces Pentagon official to pull out of SC pit production briefing, Aiken Standard, Mar 17, 2021
 • New Mexico demands more of US when addressing nuclear waste, Associated Press, Mar 14, 2021
 • Nuclear weapon facilities to expand in New Mexico, Pressenza, Mar 9, 2021
 • The long-term problem of “peaceful” plutonium, Robert Alvarez, Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, Mar 8, 2021
 • Can the Energy Department store 50 tons of weapons-grade plutonium for 10,000 years?, Robert Alvarez, Bulletin of Atomic Scientists, Mar 8, 2021
 • US nuclear lab to relocate hundreds of workers in New Mexico, Associated Press, Mar 8, 2021
 • LANL to bring 500 to work in Santa Fe, Santa Fe New Mexican, Mar 8, 2021
 • LANL signs two more leases in Santa Fe, Albuquerque Journal North, Mar 8, 2021
 • Design plans for pit production, MOX conversion submitted to Energy Department, Aiken Standard, Mar 8, 2021
 • April Showers May Bring Pit Factory Milestones at LANL, SRS, Exchange Monitor, Feb 16, 2021
 • Review of pit production, other nuke projects on new deputy defense secretary’s radar, Aiken Standard, Feb 10, 2021
 • US, Russia Can Seek Missile Defense INF Limits After New START Deal - Arms, UrduPoint, Feb 6, 2021
 • Chemistry And Metallurgy Facility Replacement Subproject At LANL Completed Ahead Of Schedule, Under Budget, Los Alamos Reporter, Jan 22, 2021
 • LANL improves but still needs work, federal report says, Santa Fe New Mexican, Jan 18, 2021

2020- media
 • Los Alamos National Laboratory may get boost in nuclear funding, Santa Fe New Mexican, Dec 29, 2020
 • ‘Highly skeptical’: House Armed Services chairman concerned about SRS pit production, Aiken Standard, Dec 15, 2020
 • Is jobs-rich nuclear plant in jeopardy? Biden expected to re-examine SC factory, The State, Nov 27, 2020
 • Causal Analysis Team Report Makes Recommendations Following LANL June Glovebox Glove Breach And Plutonium 238 Release Event, Los Alamos Reporter, Nov 9, 2020
 • Pit production at Savannah River Site inches closer with new NNSA verdict, Aiken Standard, Nov 5, 2020
 • Man of science leading LANL at critical juncture, Santa Fe New Mexican, Oct 31, 2020
 • Regional Coalition Of LANL Communities to Issue RFP For Executive Director Services, Group Calls For Dissolution, Los Alamos Reporter, Oct 31, 2020
 • Taos Citizens Chime In On LANL Plutonium Mission, Los Alamos Reporter, Oct 30, 2020
 • Adair Ford Boroughs has questions about plutonium pit production, Aiken Standard, Oct 26, 2020
 • A future ‘very bright’: Savannah River Site’s defense portfolio expected to expand, Aiken Standard, Oct 24, 2020
 • Savannah River Pit Set to Gel Design in April in Formal Sign Off by DOE DepSec, Exchange Monitor, Oct 23, 2020
 • NNSA Plans to Review Dilute and Disposal Plan for SRS Material, Exchange Monitor, Oct 23, 2020
 • County Council Requests Briefing From Department Of Energy On DP Road Situation, LANL Site Plan And More, Los Alamos Reporter, Oct 20, 2020
 • LANL's waste storage poses dangers, report says, Santa Fe New Mexican, Oct 9, 2020
 • Safety Board Voices Concerns To DOE About Safety Bases For Transuranic Waste Storage At LANL, Los Alamos Reporter, Oct 9, 2020
  – Potential Energetic Chemical Reaction Events Involving Transuranic Waste, DNFSB/TECH-46, Sep 29, 2020
 • LANL Glovebox Woes Continue At Plutonium Facility, Los Alamos Reporter, Oct 8, 2020
 • Activists decry feds’ plans to ramp up nuclear work at LANL, Santa Fe New Mexican, Oct 7, 2020
 • Los Alamos Study Group To Hold Citizens Hearing Wednesday On LANL Expansion, Nuclear Weapons Manufacturing, Los Alamos Reporter, Oct 6, 2020
 • Billions of dollars expected to be spent on pit production at Savannah River, Los Alamos, Aiken Standard, Sep 25, 2020
 • NNSA Releases Environmental Impact Statement For Plutonium Pit Production At Savannah River Site, Los Alamos Reporter, Sep 25, 2020
 • DOE Responds To Concerns Raised About Disposal Plan For Unirradiated Fuel Rods Stored At LANL, Los Alamos Reporter, Sep 23, 2020
 • Top official at nuclear safety agency resigns, Santa Fe New Mexican, Sep 3, 2020
 • Feds close door on new LANL environmental study, Santa Fe New Mexican, Sep 2, 2020
 • US Officials: No New Environmental Study for Nuclear Lab, New York Times, Associated Press, Sep 2, 2020
 • NNSA: No need for new environmental study at LANL, Albuquerque Journal North, Sep 1, 2020
 • Single plutonium pit costs millions of dollars, budget office estimates, Aiken Standard, Aug 26, 2020
 • Rep. Wilson remains confident about SRS pit production, but sidesteps friendly bet, Aiken Standard, Aug 18, 2020
 • Nuclear Weapons: We can Agree to ... Agree, Politico, Aug 11, 2020
 • NNSA Plans Big Environmental Review for 15 More Years of Livermore Operations, Exchange Monitor, Aug 7, 2020
 • 'That's key': Weapons executive reiterates NNSA's pit production focus, Aiken Standard, Aug 4, 2020
 • UK lobbies US to support controversial new nuclear warheads, The Guardian, Aug 1, 2020
 • Los Alamos County Councilor Slams DOE/NNSA For Denial Of Land Transfer Request, Los Alamos Reporter, Jul 28, 2020
 • Nuclear oversight agency seeks to lease New Mexico property for offices, warehouses, Santa Fe New Mexican, Jul 25, 2020
 • DOE/NNSA Seeks Office And Warehouse Space To Lease Within 50-Mile Radius Of LANL, Los Alamos Reporter, Jul 23, 2020
 • SRS pit production provision in key defense bill deemed problematic by White House, Aiken Standard, Jul 21, 2020
 • House Appropriations Committee Wants NNSA To Submit Plans, Schedules For Pit Production, Los Alamos Reporter, Jul 13, 2020

 • LANL planned to replace gloves that caused radiation leak, Santa Fe New Mexican, Jul 9, 2020
   – Greg Mello comment, Jul 10, 2020
 • Plutonium mishap at Los Alamos National Lab accentuates pit production worries, Aiken Standard, Jul 8, 2020
 • LANL plutonium accident probed, Albuquerque Journal, Jul 7, 2020
 • US nuclear lab investigates breach at plutonium facility, Associated Press, Jul 7, 2020
 • Fifteen LANL Workers Being Evaluated For Possible Exposure To Plutonium-238 Following June 8 Glovebox Glove Breach, Los Alamos Reporter, Jul 6, 2020
   – DOE Occurrence Report Reveals New Details On June 8 LANL Glovebox Glove Incident, Los Alamos Reporter, Jun 16, 2020 Jul 10, 2020
   – DOE Occurrence Report, NA--LASO-LANL-TA55-2020-0012, Jun 16, 2020
   – Aug 18, 2018 similar worker contamination: DOE Occurrence Report, NA--LASO-LANL-TA55-2018-0013, (report date) Jun 28, 2019

 • House Spending Bill Would Blank W93 Warhead, Continue Plutonium Pit Investment, Exchange Monitor, Jul 13, 2020
 • NNSA leader visits Savannah River Site, celebrates workforce and anniversaries, Aiken Standard, Jul 10, 2020
 • Luján seeks $6 billion for national laboratories in House bill, Santa Fe New Mexican, Jul 1, 2020
 • House Armed Services chairman casts serious doubt on pit production at SRS, Aiken Standard, Jul 1, 2020
 • Funding, authorizations the 'biggest' risks pit production faces, Defense official says, Aiken Standard, Jun 1, 2020
 • Savannah River Site begins transition back to normal operations amid coronavirus crisis, Aiken Standard, May 27, 2020
 • 19 total coronavirus cases confirmed at Savannah River Site, Aiken Standard, May 27, 2020
 • Candidates Respond To Taoseños For Peaceful And Sustainable Futures Survey, Los Alamos Reporter, May 19, 2020
 • Plans to boost LANL pit production get mixed reactions from CD3 candidates, Santa Fe New Mexican, May 16, 2020
 • SRS plutonium project prep paused for 14 days after coronavirus concerns, Aiken Standard, May 14, 2020
 • Pit production must 'press forward' despite coronavirus pandemic, NNSA chief says, Aiken Standard, May 11, 2020
 • Open Letter With Questions For Senate, Congressional District 3 Candidates, Los Alamos Reporter, Apr 13, 2020
 • Study: Savannah River pit hub could meet national demand for nuclear weapon cores, Aiken Standard, Apr 8, 2020
 • Civilian Nuke Assembly Site Confirms First COVID-19 Case, Defense Daily, Apr 6, 2020
 • NNSA study: Los Alamos National Lab could boost pit production to meet national needs, Aiken Standard, Mar 13, 2020
 • LANL Pit Plant Would Generate Much Less Transuranic Waste Than Savannah River Site, NNSA Estimates, Exchange Monitor, Mar 12, 2020
 • Public invited to comment on LANL impact statement, Albuquerque Journal North, Mar 11, 2020
 • Planned Los Alamos Pit Plant Could Surge to 80 a Year, NNSA Says, Exchange Monitor, Mar 11, 2020
 • Nuke Weapons Agency Says One Site Could Handle All Warhead Core Work, ‘If Needed’, Defense Daily, Mar 10, 2020
 • Failure To Conduct Detailed EIS Process For LANL Is Dangerous Insult To Los Alamos And Northern New Mexico, Greg Mello, LTE, Los Alamos Reporter, Mar 10, 2020
 • LANL, Savannah River Site Activists petition for environmental review of New Mexico, South Carolina labs, Santa Fe New Mexican, Mar 10, 2020
 • Federal judge dismisses MOX, plutonium lawsuit S.C. filed two years ago, Aiken Standard, Mar 2, 2020
 • STRATCOM Commander ‘Proud’ of W93, Won’t Say Much Else About It, Nuclear Security & Deterrence Monitor, Feb 28, 2020
 • $20B Budget Would ‘Choke’ NNSA, Skeptical House Approps Cardinal Says, Nuclear Security & Deterrence Monitor, Feb 28, 2020
 • Proposed budget would almost triple plutonium spending, Santa Fe New Mexican, Feb 24, 2020
 • Delegation should support strong review of pit production, Albuquerque Journal North Editorial, Feb 16, 2020
 • Pit production at Los Alamos offers influential 'template' for Savannah River Site, Aiken Standard, Feb 15, 2020
 • Wilson, Graham, Scott pressed Trump for more nuclear funding, letters show, Aiken Standard, Feb 13, 2020
 • Savannah River Pit Plant Design to be Finished by End of June, Defense Daily, Feb 12, 2020
 • 10-year plan: Nuclear executives reiterate pit production pressures, Aiken Standard, Feb 11, 2020
 • LANL, LLNL Directors Won’t Say Who’d Own W93 Sea-Based Warhead; Hint at Competition, Defense Daily, Feb 11, 2020
 • Trump proposes 25 percent bump in nuke spending, Santa Fe New Mexican, Feb 10, 2020
 • Trump seeks $46 billion for nuclear weapons programs in budget request, Defense News, Feb 10, 2020
 • LANL receives ‘good’ annual evaluation, Albuquerque Journal, Feb 6, 2020
 • DoE Backs Off Drive To Speed Up Pit Production At Los Alamos, Defense Daily, Feb 3, 2020
 • No Environmental Review For LANL Expansion?, Schwartz, Los Alamos Reporter, Feb 2, 2020
 • Trump to request 20 percent boost in nuclear spending, Santa Fe New Mexican, Jan 30, 2020
 • NNSA Not Among Finalists For Santa Fe Midtown Campus Redevelopment, Los Alamos Daily Post, Jan 30, 2020
 • An Unanswered Question at the Heart of the U.S.’s Nuclear Arsenal, Scientific American, Jan 28, 2020
 • Lawmakers assured review of nuclear weapons work to be open, Associated Press, Jan 22, 2020
 • Reps. Smith, Wilson and NNSA boss visit Savannah River Site weapon hubs, Aiken Standard, Jan 21, 2020
 • The U.S. is Boosting Production of Nuclear Bomb Cores (For More Nuclear Weapons), The National Interrest, Jan 21, 2020
 • NNSA Chief Details Uphill Slog to Nuclear Modernization, Air Force Magazine, Jan 16, 2020
 • No Plan to Consolidate Pit Mission at Single Site, But DoE Won’t Deny the Possibility, Defense Daily, Jan 16, 2020
 • Anti-nukers rally against NNSA proposal for Santa Fe campus, Albuquerque Journal, Jan 15, 2020
 • Anti-nuclear protesters oppose LANL’s midtown campus proposal, Santa Fe New Mexican, Jan 15, 2020
 • JASONs Endorse Fast Start to New Pit Complex, Exchange Monitor, Jan 14, 2020
 • City closing in on short list of master developers for midtown campus, Santa Fe New Mexican, Jan 13, 2020
 • US lawmakers from New Mexico hold out on review of nuke plan, Associated Press, Jan 13, 2020
 • Opposition to LANL’s Midtown bid grows, Santa Fe Reporter, Jan 8, 2020
 • NNSA says more large-scale environmental review not needed for pit production, Aiken Standard, Jan 8, 2020
 • NNSA: No need for fresh review of revised plutonium pit strategy, Energy Daily, Jan 8, 2020

2019 - media
 • Why 80? Defense leaders discuss the need for plutonium pits, Aiken Standard, Dec 28, 2019
 • NNSA weapons expert pushes back on pit production uncertainty, Aiken Standard, Dec 22, 2019
 • Unica Viramontes Is First Woman To Direct LANL Defense Security Program, Los Alamos Reporter, Dec 16, 2019
 • Los Alamos weapons leader confident in plutonium pit outlook, Aiken Standard, Dec 13, 2019
 • Final defense budget nearly doubles spending on pit production, Santa Fe New Mexican, Dec 11, 2019
 • New defense bill backs plutonium pit production, Aiken Standard, Dec 10, 2019
 • LANL Coming to Midtown: The City Different? A Nuclear Weapons Research Center?, Retake our Democracy, Dec 5, 2019
 • LANL’s seismic safety questioned; lab says improvements are being made, Albuquerque Journal, Dec 4, 2019
 • Plans for LANL on Santa Fe campus, KCEI radio interview, Dec 4, 2019
 • Lethal Legacy, The US wants to bury SC’s plutonium stockpile forever. Its new home isn’t sure it wants it, part three, The Post and Courier, Nov 23, 2019
 • MOX contractor, NNSA reach widespread $186M settlement, Aiken Standard, Nov 19, 2019
 • Safety Basis for the Plutonium Facility at Los Alamos National Laboratory, DNFSB Staff Report, Aug 16, 2019 (posted by EHSS Nov15, 2019)
 • LANL receives $5 billion to upgrade aging facilities, Santa Fe New Mexican, Oct 30, 2019
 • Plan for plutonium disposal has holes, GAO finds, Santa Fe New Mexican, Oct 23, 2019
      – GAO: Surplus Plutonium Disposition - NNSA's Long-Term Plutonium Oxide Production Plans Are Uncertain, Oct 2019
 • LANL Deputy Director Of Operations Discusses Infrastructure Plans And Challenges At Council Work Session, Los Alamos Reporter, Oct 18, 2019
 • NNSA approves new garage for lab, Los Alamos Monitor, Oct 9, 2019
 • An evolving nuclear agenda spurs plutonium pit production at LANL, New Mexican Political Report, Oct 9, 2019
 • Proposed expansion of LANL, Pacifica Affiliate's Sprouts show, Greg Mello interviewed by Robin Collier, KCEI, Oct 3, 2019
 • Lethal Legacy How the US government wasted $8 billion and stranded tons of plutonium in South Carolina, part two, The Post and Courier, Sep 29, 2019
 • Rep. Joe Wilson 'assured' pit production requirement can be satisfied, Aiken Standard, Sep 27, 2019
 • Sandia lab, Fluor, others involved with early pit work, SRNS mission director says, Aiken Standard, Sep 25, 2019
 • SRNS official touts ‘pit’ production, Augusta Chronicle, Sep 24, 2019
 • Group seeks impact statement for lab expansion plan, Los Alamos Monitor, Sep 23, 2019
 • 'No Plans for Bridge’, Los Alamos Monitor, Sep 23, 2019
 • Our View: Second road to lab lined with concerns, Santa Fe New Mexican editorial, Sep 21, 2019
 • Sens. Warren, Sanders, Markey call on defense leaders to chill pit production push, Aiken Standard, Sep 21, 2019
 • LTE: In Support Of New Road And Bridge, Los Alamos Reporter, Sep 20, 2019
 • Mello Discusses LANL Plutonium Dilute & Dispose Program, Lab Expansion Plans At Capitol Town Hall Meeting, Los Alamos Reporter, Sep 20, 2019
 • Nuclear disarmament group criticizes proposal to produce more plutonium ‘pits’, Santa Fe New Mexican, Sep 17, 2019
 • A tall order: Bridge for Los Alamos road could be nation’s highest, Albuquerque Journal, Sep 15, 2019
 •  LANL revives talk of new route to Hill, Santa Fe New Mexican, Sep 14, 2019
 • Council Asked To Invite LANL Officials To Present Info On Construction And Infrastructure Plans To Public, Los Alamos Reporter, Sep 10, 2019
 • Why do we need Plutonium Pits?, Walter Pincus, The Cipher Brief (paywall), Sep 3, 2019
   – CBO analysis of S. 1790, FY 2020 National Defense Authorization Act, Aug 23, 2019

 • LANL officials detail potential building boom, Albuquerque Journal, Aug 9, 2019
   – LANL subcontractors forum slides, Aug 8, 2019
   – Excerpts from current LANL site plan (LASG photos), Aug 8, 2019
   – Proposed Rio Grande bridge crossing, looking north, LASG aerial photo ©2012
   – Plans for massive contruction & huge new roads at LANL as part of plutonium pit production, interview with Greg Mello, Cultural Energy, Aug 14, 2019
   – National lab details $13B in building plans over next decade, Associated Press, Aug 17, 2019
   – "Ending enchantment: LANL’s plans for plutonium pit production and weapons expansion," presentation in Taos, Aug 23, 2019
   – Included charts about plutonium pit spending with a short explanation, Aug 27, 2019
   – Video of Presentation in Taos, 47 min, Aug 23, 2019
   – Los Alamos lab plans $5 billion of work on old [and new] buildings over 5 years, Santa Fe New Mexican, Aug 26, 2019
   – Radioactive & Hazardous Waste Committee Hears From LANL, Los Alamos Reporter, Aug 28, 2019
   – Los Alamos Study Group to host town hall meeting on Los Alamos lab expansion, press release, Sep 6, 2019
   – US $13 billion plutonium construction plan, International Construction, Sep 2, 2019
   – Better Connections To Santa Fe And Albuquerque Discussed In Recent LANL All-Hands Meetings, Los Alamos Reporter, Jul 9, 2019
   – NM State Road 594, Santa Fe to Los Alamos Corridor Study, Supplemental Draft EIS, Sep 18, 1990 (h/t to Los Alamos Reporter)

Documents received via FOIA by LASG:
 – LANL Comprehensive Site Plan, slides (redacted)
 – LANL Future Land Acquistion & Development, slides (redacted)
 – LANL Vision for Future Campus, slides (redacted)
 – LANL Future Campus, video, Aug 27, 2019

 • Going 'gangbusters': SRNS chief says plutonium work harkens back to Cold War era, Aiken Standard, Aug 28, 2019
 • NNSA hosts Nuclear Weapons Council at Savannah River Site, Los Alamos National Laboratory, EIN newsdesk, Aug 23, 2019
 • LANL Plans Expansion of Nuclear Work: What If?, Retake Our Democracy, Aug 22, 2019
 • Nuclear Weapons Council briefed on plutonium pits, tritium during SRS, LANL meetings, Aiken Standard, Aug 22, 2019
 • Nuclear Weapons Council Tours DOE’s Savannah River, Los Alamos Facilities, ExecutiveGov, Aug 22, 2019
 • Energy Secretary Rick Perry flexes nuclear muscle during Fox News interview, Aiken Standard, Jul 23, 2019
 • Plans for plutonium pit production at LANL as part of a more than a trillion dollar weapons program, interview with Greg Mello, Cultural Energy, Jul 16, 2019
 • Lethal legacy: Why SC is likely stuck with a stockpile of the nation’s most dangerous nuclear materials, part one, The Post and Courier, Jul 6, 2019
 • Nuke-Backing NDAA Passes Senate in Landslide, Exchange Monitor, Jun 28, 2019
 • S.C. officials seeking $200M judgement against feds for failing to remove plutonium, Aiken Standard, Jun 28, 2019
 • Government recipe for atomic bomb? Ingredients made in South Carolina, The State, Jun 28, 2019
 • Opinions of SRS plutonium pit production clash at North Augusta public forum, Aiken Standard, Jun 28, 2019
 • NNSA collects comments on plutonium pit proposal at SRS, The Augusta Chronicle, Jun 27, 2019
 • NNSA draft assessment details MOX transition, proposed SRS plutonium pit mission, Aiken Standard, Jun 27, 2019
 • S.C. governor, NNSA chief discuss pit production, plutonium removal at Wednesday meeting, Aiken Standard, Jun 20, 2019
 • NNSA announces $5M boost to Savannah River Site workforce, education program, Aiken Standard, Jun 18, 2019
 • Department of Energy grant to develop area’s nuclear workforce, Augusta Chronicle, Jun 17, 2019
 • Feds will do ‘supplement’ environmental review for pits at LANL, Albuquerque Journal, Jun 10, 2019
 • Environmental effects of proposed SRS plutonium pit mission will soon be studied, Aiken Standard, Jun 6, 2019
 • The Pits-Thermonuclear Triggers-Slated for SRS Production, Metro Spirit, Jun 6, 2019
 • DNFSB Might Not Look at SRS Pit Plant Design for Years, Exchange Monitor, May 23, 2019
 • Study questions whether LANL, DOE can meet ‘pits’ production goal, Albuquerque Journal, May 21, 2019
 • Nuclear oversight board will keep an eye on proposed MOX rework, chairman says, Aiken Standard, May 21, 2019
 • Editorial: LANL leaders must make safety the lab’s top mission, Albuquerque Journal, May 16, 2019
 • Study casts doubt on ‘extremely challenging’ NNSA pit plans, Energy Daily, May 14, 2019
 • DOD executive: Pit production is a 'lynchpin' for nuclear stockpile confidence, Aiken Standard, May 4, 2019
 • Report: LANL flubs nuclear safety efforts, Associated Press, May 1, 2019
 • SRNS hires 900-plus new employees; hundreds more expected in next two years, Aiken Standard, Apr 30, 2019
 • Regulators: Los Alamos lab nuclear safety effort falls short, Associated Press, Apr 30, 2019
 • Safety problems remain at Los Alamos National Laboratory, report finds, Santa Fe New Mexican, Apr 30, 2019
 • Report: LANL nuclear safety falls short, Albuquerque Journal, Apr 29, 2019
   – Assessment of the Management of Nuclear Safety Issues at the Los Alamos National Laboratory, Apr 2019
 • Energy Secretary Rick Perry 'happy where he is' leading DOE, spokesperson says, Aiken Standard, Apr 18, 2019
 • Congressionally Mandated Study Finds NNSA Pit Plan ‘Potentially Achievable’, Exchange Monitor, Apr 18, 2019
 • Study: US plutonium plan comes with budget, scheduling risks, Associated Press, Apr 18, 2019
 • Pit production study submitted to Congress; risks identified for 'all' options, NNSA says, Aiken Standard, Apr 17, 2019
 • Deputy secretary of energy visits SRS, USC Aiken, Plant Vogtle this week, Aiken Standard, Apr 17, 2019
 • Feds stand by splitting ‘pit’ production between LANL, S.C., Albuquerque Journal, Apr 17, 2019
 • Report: NNSA plan to build nuclear components at Los Alamos, Savannah River ‘potentially achievable’, Santa Fe New Mexican, Apr 17, 2019
 • Deputy Secretary of Energy Dan Brouillette expected to visit SRS on Wednesday, Aiken Standard, Apr 16, 2019
 • House Panel to Unveil Nuke Parts of 2020 NDAA June 4, Exchange Monitor, Apr 15, 2019
 •  'You're making this up as you go': Sen. Lindsey Graham rails DOE, NNSA during hearing, Aiken Standard, Apr 4, 2019
 • NNSA chief: Pitching plutonium pit production for SRS, SC was not a 'payoff', Aiken Standard, Apr 2, 2019
 • Lab director predicts bright, challenging future, Los Alamos Monitor, Apr 1, 2019
 • NNSA chief: Plutonium pit production, funding represent 'biggest' risks moving forward, Aiken Standard, Mar 28, 2019
 • Energy Department, S.C. working to schedule settlement sit-down for plutonium lawsuit, Aiken Standard, Mar 27, 2019
 • NNSA Seeks $410M For South Carolina Pit Plant in FY20, Exchange Monitor, Mar 26, 2019
 • Energy Secretary Rick Perry talks SRS, pit production following Plant Vogtle event, Aiken Standard, Mar 22, 2019
 • U.S. Rep. Rick Allen 'absolutely' backs MOX rework for pit production mission, Aiken Standard, Mar 21, 2019
 • Local Officials All-In on Pit Mission for Former MOX Plant, Exchange Monitor, Mar 20, 2019
 • Aiken County Council again announces support of pit production mission at SRS, Aiken Standard, Mar 20, 2019
 • Aiken County resolution supports efforts to create plutonium pit facility at SRS, The Augusta Chronicle, Mar 20, 2019
 • Trump's 2020 budget request highlights MOX, pit production, plutonium removal and more, Aiken Standard, Mar 11, 2019
 • NNSA chief discusses MOX pitfalls during Energy Department advisory meeting, Aiken Standard, Mar 5, 2019
 • More jobs in Aiken County: SRS ramping up plutonium production, WRDW-TV, Mar 2, 2019
 • STRATCOM leader: NNSA plutonium pit production mission of 'highest' importance, Aiken Standard, Feb 28, 2019
   – Gen. Hyten's testimony
 • National lab expected to grow because of pit production preparations, director says, Aiken Standard, Feb 27, 2019
 • SRS long-term focus is defense, NNSA official says, The Augusta Chronicle, Feb 20, 2019
 • Savannah River Ramps Up Non-MOX Plutonium Downblending, Exchange Monitor, Feb 20, 2019
 • NNSA officer: Making 80 pits per year at New Mexico hub would be 'very high risk', Aiken Standard, Feb 19, 2019
 • U.S. Pivots From Nuclear Reactor Fuel to Bomb Cores, Environment News Service, Feb 19, 2019
 • SRS plutonium shipments to Nevada are complete, NNSA general counsel declares, Aiken Standard, Feb 17, 2019
 • Plutonium pit production approach shaped by Defense, Energy dialogue, Aiken Standard, Feb 14, 2019
 • Pentagon ‘Satisfied’ With NNSA Pit Plan, But Warns Civilian Agency is ‘Out of Margin’, Defense Daily, Feb 13, 2019
 • Aiken-area officials commend SRS status, future at Nuclear Deterrence Summit, Aiken Standard, Feb 13, 2019
 • NNSA executive: Repurposing MOX for pit production is a 'major' nuclear venture, Aiken Standard, Feb 13, 2019
 • Focused 'like a laser beam': NNSA defense leader discusses pit production commitment, Aiken Standard, Feb 13, 2019
 • Plutonium pit production could be coming to SRS, some still skeptical,, Feb 12, 2019
 • NRC sends notice to end MOX construction, The Augusta Chronicle, Feb 11, 2019
 • Federal nuclear regulators approve termination of MOX construction license, Aiken Standard, Feb 11, 2019
 • SRNS given millions for pit production, MOX transition work, nuclear agency says, Aiken Standard, Feb 8, 2019
 • Nevada Gov. Joins Letter-Writing Campaign on DOE Plutonium Shipment, Exchange Monitor, Feb 7, 2019
   – Letter from Nevada Gov. Sisalak to DOE, Feb 6, 2019
 • Lab hiring creates housing boom, Los Alamos Monitor, Jan 30, 2019
 • Budget report: Plutonium pit production could cost $9B over next 10 years, Aiken Standard, Jan 24, 2019
 • Nuclear board sees no quick fix for LANL safety issues, Santa Fe New Mexican, Jan 17, 2019
 • SRNS tasked with initial work for 'Savannah River Pit Production Plant,' official says, Aiken Standard, Jan 11, 2019
 • New LANL director: Community relations is a priority, Albuquerque Journal, Jan 6, 2019

2018 - media
 • Heinrich grills NNSA deputy nominee over pit program, Los Alamos Monitor, Dec 7, 2018
 • Nevada suing US in bid to block plan for plutonium shipments, Material will eventually come to LANL, Associated Press, Dec 4, 2018
 • Dems Drill NNSA No. 2 Nominee on Warhead Cores, Arms Control Treaty, Exchange Monitor, Nov 30, 2018
 • The Los Alamos Lab Worker Who Started a Year Too Late for Benefits, ProPublica/Santa Fe New Mexican, Nov 30, 2018
 • ‘JUSTICE DELAYED’, Santa Fe New Mexican, Nov 30, 2018
 • U.S. Sen. Tim Scott 'skeptical' [that NNSA will follow through] to bring pit production to SRS, Aiken Standard, Nov 30, 2018
 • Smith Lays Out Three-Point Plan for Nuke Policy in Next Congress, Exchange Monitor Publications, Nov 15, 2018
 • Touring LANL inside the ‘security bubble’, Albuquerque Journal, Oct 26, 2018
 • Nuclear leaders, staff converge on SRS for plutonium pit production workshop, Aiken Standard, Oct 4, 2018
 • Radiation found in lab worker’s wound, Los Alamos Monitor, Oct 3, 2018
 • Trump removes safeties for nuclear arsenal workers, Sputnik International, Sep 1, 2018
 • Pit mission at SRS will hopefully begin soon, NNSA official says, Aiken Standard, Aug 31, 2018
 • Does a New Department of Energy Order About Worker Safety Violate the Atomic Energy Act?, Pacific Standard, Aug 29, 2018
 • U.S. Rep. Joe Wilson: 2019 defense bill a good thing for SRS, Aiken Standard, Aug 24, 2018
 • S.C. legal team blasts DOE in latest MOX filing, Aiken Standard, Aug 23, 2018
 • More plutonium approved for lab facility, Albuquerque Journal, Aug 17, 2018
 • NNSA chief of staff, other government officials tour SRS, Aiken Standard, Aug 17, 2018
 • Peace activists descend on Los Alamos, Los Alamos Monitor, Aug 8, 2018
 • Pit Production at LANL? A Delusion or Doomsday, La Jicarita, Aug 4, 2018
 • NNSA Must Solve Pit Problems This Year, STRATCOM Commander Says, Nuclear Security & Deterrence Monitor, Aug 3, 2018
 • Budget bill gives LANL pit-making a boost, now goes to president, Albuquerque Journal, Aug 3, 2018
 • Betrayal & plans from our elected officials for LANL to be a major plutonium pit production factory, Mello, Cultural Energy, Jul 30, 2018
 • Federal defense bill includes study of options for LANL plutonium pits, Los Alamos Monitor, Jul 30, 2018
 • House-passed bill would boost LANL ‘pit’ role, Albuquerque Journal, Jul 27, 2018
 • Energy Department to maintain nuclear oversight, Associated Press, Jul 24, 2018
 • Defense bill would curb Cabinet control of nuclear agency, Associated Press, Jul 22, 2018
 • An antidote to nuclear nostalgia: "The Work of Tony Price", Santa Fe New Mexican - Pasatiempo, Jul 13, 2018
 • Demonstrators take issue with museum’s focus on N.M.’s atomic history, Santa Fe New Mexican, Jul 13, 2018
 • DOE memo: MOX support could jeopardize other Savannah River Site missions, Augusta Chronicle, Jul 12, 2018
 • Concerns about aging plutonium drive need for new weapon cores, Physics Today, Jul 1, 2018
 • A&M System’s charge at Los Alamos includes improving safety culture, Austin American-Statesman, Jun 15, 2018
 • N.M.’s delegation fights to keep LANL’s plutonium pit plan on track, Los Alamos Monitor, Jun 13, 2018
 • Judge blocks plan to split plutonium ‘pit’ production, Albuquerque Journal, Jun 12, 2018
 • FY19 Appropriations Bills: National Nuclear Security Administration, Jun 7, 2018
 • Editorial: Wasting billions in federal tax dollars just the pits, Albuquerque Journal, Jun 5, 2018
 • NM senator, reps fight back on ‘pits’ plan, Albuquerque Journal, May 26, 2018
    – Greg Mello comment
 • Udall pushes to keep nuclear pit production in New Mexico, Santa Fe New Mexican, May 26, 2018
    – Greg Mello comment
 • Los Alamos thankful for its ability to serve, Terry Wallace, Albuquerque Journal, May 25, 2018
 • As U.S. Demands Nuclear Disarmament, It Moves to Expand Its Own Arsenal, New York Times, May 14, 2018
 • DOE recommends pit production at SRS and Los Alamos; plan kills, repurposes MOX facility, Aiken Standard, May 11, 2018
 • Pit mission could bring as many jobs as MOX, Augusta Chronicle, May 11, 2018
 • US to decide best site option for nuclear weapons production, Associated Press, Washington Post, May 9, 2018
 • Best site option for nuclear weapons production between Savannah River Site, Los Alamos, Augusta Chronicle, Associated Press, May 9, 2018
 • Key sites proposed for nuclear bomb production are plagued by safety problems, Center for Public Integrity, May 1, 2018
 • Pit production expansion susceptible to schedule risks, DOE report says, Aiken Standard, May 1, 2018
 • Plutonium pit production update,Cultural Energy, Apr 26, 2018 (audio here)
 • America's nuclear headache: old plutonium with nowhere to go, Reuters, Apr 20, 2018
 • Bathroom sink overflow raises safety issue at LANL, Albuquerque Journal, Apr 6, 2018
 • Los Alamos Study Group files FOIA suit for pit study, Albuquerque Journal, Mar 16, 2018
 • Lawsuit seeks LANL study detailing costs, risks of plutonium work, Santa Fe New Mexican, Mar 15, 2018
 • The University of Nuclear Bombs, East Bay Express, Will Parrish, Feb 28, 2018
  – also: Counterpunch, Mar 8, 2018
 • US takes steps to resume plutonium pit production for nukes, AlJazeera News, Feb 23, 2018
 • NNSA releases draft assessment of LANL plutonium factory complex, Los Alamos Monitor, Feb 23, 2018
 • Playing for pits, Albuquerque Journal, Jan 26, 2018
   – Greg Mello comment
 • LANS docked $3.1M for plutonium shipment blunder, Los Alamos Monitor, Jan 20, 2018

2017 - media
 • NM senators, rep push back at LANL skeptics, Albuquerque Journal, Dec 26, 2017
   – Greg Mello comment  •  Heinrich, Udall, Luján: Plutonium pits report ‘inherently flawed’, Santa Fe New Mexican, Dec 20, 2017
 • Report shows LANL competing with South Carolina site for pit production beyond 2026, Santa Fe New Mexican, Dec 5, 2017
 • Questions Swirl About Plutonium Pit Production at US Lab, US News & World Report, Dec 4, 2017
 • Senators: Keep ‘pit’ making at Los Alamos, Albuquerque Journal, Dec 4, 2017
   – Letter from Senators Jack Reed & John McCain to Sec Def Mattis & DOE Sec Perry, Sep 20, 2017
 • LANL is the most expensive location for nuclear bomb pit production, Cultural Energy, interview, Dec 3, 2017
 • Study: LANL may not be best for pit-making, Albuquerque Journal, Dec 2, 2017
 • Leaked report casts doubt on LANL pit production, Santa Fe New Mexican, Dec 1, 2017
   – Summary, NNSA pit production Analysis of Alternatives (9pg)
 • NM senators make it harder to move ‘pits’ from Los Alamos, Albuquerque Journal, Nov 17, 2017
 • Moving Pit Production From New Mexico Would be Harder Under NDAA, Nuclear Security & Deterrence Monitor, Nov 17, 2017
 • Senate OKs defense bill, which presses for decision on pit work, Santa Fe New Mexican, Nov 16, 2017
 • LANL temporarily suspends workers who violated nuclear protocols, Santa Fe New Mexican, Sep 27, 2017
 • NNSA says LANL workers faced no danger in latest incident, Los Alamos Monitor, Sep 27, 2017
 • Plutonium pits at Los Alamos, Cultural Energy, KCEI 90.1 FM Taos, radio interview, Greg Mello, Sep 25, 2017
 • LANL: No risk of radioactive ‘criticality’ accident in recent incident, Albuquerque Journal, Sep 25, 2017
 • ‘Criticality safety event’ occurred at LANL’s plutonium facility, Albuquerque Journal North, Sep 22, 2017
 • Report: LANL twice violated nuclear safety standards in Aug, Santa Fe New Mexican, Sep 22, 2017
 • Pantex near Amarillo among potential sites for plutonium pit production, Amarillo Globe-News, Jul 1, 2017
 • Scrutiny Intensifies Over Safety at US Nuclear Weapons Lab, US News & World Report, Jun 21, 2017
 • Nuclear Negligence, six-part series, The Center for Public Integrity, Jun 18, 2017
 • Los Alamos safety concerns impact U.S. nuclear weapons program, El Paso Times, Jun 17, 2017
 • Will production of nuclear ‘pits’ leave LANL?, Albuquerque Journal, Jun 12, 2017
 •  Board addresses saftey concerns at LANL, Los Alamos Monitor, Jun 9, 2017
 • Hearing looms for troubled plutonium facility, Los Alamos Monitor, May 24, 2017
 • LANL safety program receives failing grade, Santa Fe New Mexican, Feb 10, 2017
   – NNSA's Nuclear Criticality Safety Report to the DNFSB, Feb 1, 2017
 • LANL’s Nuclear Criticality Safety Program Falls Short of DOE Expectations, Weapons Complex Monitor, Feb 10, 2017
 • LANL’s aging plutonium, uranium research building may stay open, Los Alamos Monitor, Jan 25, 2017

2016 - media
 • Roger This: Here We Go Again With The Bomb Factory, Los Alamos Daily Post, Aug 19, 2016
 • Audit blasts safety tracking at Sandia Labs, Santa Fe New Mexican, Aug 22, 2016
 • Pantex Plant to store more nuclear materials produced at Los Alamos lab, Amarillo Globe-News, Aug 16, 2016
 • GAO Challenges NNSA’s Plutonium Pit Production Plans, Exchange Monitor Morning Briefing, Aug 11, 2016
 • LANL plutonium project called ‘a house of cards’, Albuquerque Journal North, Aug 12, 2016
 • LANL’s nuclear bomb trigger production questioned, Santa Fe New Mexican, Aug 9, 2016
    – GAO "NNSA Needs to Clarify Requirements for Its Plutonium Analysis Project at Los Alamos," Aug 2016
 • LANL in Final Stages of PF-4 Restart Project , Nuclear Security Deterrence Monitor, Jun 24, 2016
 • Report finds fire-safety deficiencies at LANL, Santa Fe New Mexican, May 20, 2016
    – Seismic Qualification of Fire Suppression System at LANL, DNFSB report, May 12, 2016
     – Allowable material at risk (MAR) in PF-4 has been lowered, DNFSB, Apr 22, 2016
     – Opportunities for Risk Reduction at LANL's PF-4 through the Minimization of Material-at-Risk (MAR), DNFSB, Sep 2015
 • Half-Built Nuclear Fuel Plant in South Carolina Faces Test on Its Future, New York Times, Feb 8, 2016
 • LANL poised to ramp up plutonium pit production, report says, Santa Fe New Mexican, Jan 15, 2016

2015 - media
 • LANL Plutonium Modular Approach CD-0 Approved, Nuclear Security & Deterrence Monitor, Dec 4, 2015
 • Russian Official: Gov’t Open to Alternative U.S. Plutonium Disposition Methods, Nuclear Security & Deterrence Monitor, Oct 16, 2015
 • LANL Plutonium Modular Approach to Reach CD-0 Soon, Nuclear Security & Deterrence Monitor, Oct 16, 2015
 • WIPP closure has Los Alamos nearing limit on transuranic waste storage, IHS Energy Daily, Sep 25, 2015
 • DNFSB Identifies Alternative Storage Options for MAR at PF-4, Nuclear Security & Deterrence Monitor, Sep 25, 2015
 • Amid safety concerns at LANL, Udall weighs in on lab’s next mission: Pit production, Santa Fe New Mexican, Feb 21, 2015
 • NNSA Moving Forward With Pu Capabilities Project at LANL, Requests $155.6 Million in FY 2016, Nuclear Security & Deterrence Monitor, Feb 6, 2015

2014 - media
 • Feds mull new Pantex nuke building, Amarillo Globe-News, Nov 9, 2014
 • NNSA Directs Los Alamos to Begin ‘Mission Need’ Development for Modular Pu Strategy, Nuclear Security & Deterrence Monitor, Sep 26, 2014
 • No Timeline Yet for Restart of Operations at LANL Plutonium Facility, Nuclear Security & Deterrence Monitor, Sep 12, 2014
 • Estimate for First Phase of New LANL Pu Strategy Set at $2 Billion, Nuclear Security & Deterrence Monitor, Aug 29, 2014
 • Estimate for First Phase of New LANL Pu Strategy Set at $2 Billion, Weapons Complex Monitor Morning Briefing, Aug 28, 2014
 • Feds’ plan to make more nuke triggers at LANL raises questions, Santa Fe New Mexican, Aug 23, 2014
 • New nuke pit report released, Los Alamos Monitor, Aug 23, 2014
 • CRS Report Raises Questions About LANL Plutonium Strategy, Nuclear Security & Deterrence Monitor, Aug 22, 2014
 • Nuclear Weapons Council (NWC) Formally Commits to LANL Modular Pu Strategy, Nuclear Security & Deterrence Monitor, Aug 1, 2014
   – Letter from NWC to Senate Appropriators, Jul 25, 2014
 • A Year After Pausing Plutonium Operations, Two-Thirds of Los Alamos PF-4 Work Back Up, Nuclear Security & Deterrence Monitor, Jul 3, 2014
 • McMillan lays out need for PU strategy, Nuclear Security & Deterrence Monitor, Apr 11, 2014
 • Study Group formally drops CMRR-NF lawsuit, Nuclear Security & Deterrence Monitor, Mar 28, 2014
 • US has Pu options short of new facility build, CRS report says, Nuclear Security & Deterrence Monitor, Mar 7, 2014
 • New budget for LANL does not include money for plutonium facility, Santa Fe New Mexican, Mar 4, 2014
 • A fresh approach to Los Alamos’ plutonium problem, Albuquerque Journal, Mar 4, 2014
 • Administration plutonium strategy: no new construction at Los Alamos for now, Albuquerque Journal, Mar 4, 2014
 • Analysis offers options for plutonium pit production, Santa Fe New Mexican, Mar 3, 2014
 • Report details pit options, Los Alamos Monitor, Mar 1, 2014
 • Existing facilities could be option for further plutonium work, Los Alamos Monitor, Feb 25, 2014
 • Washington expert thinks outside the box, Los Alamos Monitor, Feb 22, 2014
 • DNFSB raises questions about exit strategy for CMR facility, Nuclear Weapons & Materials Monitor, Jan 24, 2014

2013 - media
 • Bill authorizes planned funding for NM labs, Albuquerque Journal, Dec 22, 2013
 • Lab creeping toward criticality restart, Nuclear Weapons & Materials Monitor, Dec 20, 2013
 • W78/88 Life Extension could be deferred in FY2015 budget, Nuclear Weapons & Materials Monitor, Dec 20, 2013
 • Lawmakers reach compromise on FY 2014 NDAA, Nuclear Weapons & Materials Monitor, Dec 13, 2013
 • New Pu strategy endorsed by DoD CAPE, but UPF cost questions raised, Nuclear Weapons & Materials Monitor, Dec 6, 2013
 • Los Alamos lab waste plant over budget, behind schedule, Albuquerque Journal, Oct 3, 2013
 • Los Alamos Management of Waste Facility Faulted, Associated Press, Oct 2, 2013
 • Committee OKs $43M for NNSA request, Los Alamos Monitor, Sep 28, 2013
 • House appropriators ok $43.3M of $120M NNSA CMRR-NF reprogramming, Nuclear Weapons & Materials Monitor, Sep 27, 2013
 • Editorial: Time past for coddling bloated nuclear agency, Albuquerque Journal, Sep 17, 2013
 • GAO presses NNSA to think long-term on plutonium mission at Los Alamos, Nuclear Weapons & Materials Monitor, Sep 13, 2013
 •  (see the GAO report here)
 •  Director challenges cuts, McMillan sends letter to Moniz, Los Alamos Monitor, Aug 24, 2013
 • Los Alamos Director warns about inaction on PU reprogramming, Nuclear Weapons & Materials Monitor, Aug 23, 2013
 • Defense programs chief outlines challenges facing Los Alamos, Nuclear Weapons & Materials Monitor, Jul 26, 2013
 • House, Senate authorizers partially sign off on new plutonium strategy, Nuclear Weapons & Materials Monitor, Jul 26, 2013
 • Spirit of Boondoggle Departs Quashed Los Alamos Project, Finds New One to Possess, Foreign Policy in Focus, May 13, 2013
 • New LANL plans call for lower-cost approach to nuke facility, Santa Fe New Mexican, May 8, 2013
 • After CMRR-NF delay, LANL proposes going small to meet Pu needs, Nuclear Weapons & Materials Monitor, Feb 22, 2013
 • U.S. Nuclear Lab Ready to Shelve Costly Facility Plan, Global Security Newswire, Feb 22, 2013

2012 - media
 • Los Alamos says plutonium study doesn't negate need for pit manufacturing, Nuclear Weapons & Materials Monitor, Dec 14, 2012
 • Research shows nuke weapon pits age gracefully, Los Alamos Monitor, Dec 8, 2012
 • Lawrence Livermore analysis suggests 150-year plutonium life, Nuclear Weapons & Materials Monitor, Dec 7, 2012
 • HASC wants CMRR decision reassessed: Lab Project has been deferred by NNSA and administration, Los Alamos Monitor, Oct 20, 2012
 • Costly LANL project falling farther from realization, Santa Fe New Mexican, Sep 30, 2012
 • As LANL closes out CMRR-NF, some in Congress look to keep project alive, Nuclear Weapons & Materials Monitor, Sep 28, 2012
 • LANL Plan B [said to] Cost $800M, Albuquerque Journal North, Aug 8, 2012

 • Pantex may hit storage limit in 2014, Amarillo Globe-News, Jan 29, 2009

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