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WE CALL FOR SANITY, NOT NUCLEAR PRODUCTION, an LASG campaign for businesses, organizations, religious institutions, & individuals to endorse. Let's build the momentum! Share this campaign with your lists! • Endorsers 1,044 Individuals & 236 orgs & businesses, 10 Sep 2024

Public outcry stopped a huge LANL expansion before. It can happen again! See our Feb 1994 memo, Sep 1994 bulletin, & CMRR 2002 - 2014.

Recent products & presentations
updated 16 Sep 2024
 • Elephants and the Unicorn: Canceling Peace at the Nuclear Strategy Forum, LASG protest flyer, Sep 7, 2024
 • LASG Bulletin 349: Please help us gain organizational and business endorsements to our national call to halt plutonium pit production, Aug 28, 2024
 • Will the 2024 presidential elections alter the course of the new nuclear arms race?, Part II, LASG presentation, Aug 15, 2024
 • Will the 2024 presidential elections alter the course of the new nuclear arms race?, LASG presentation, Aug 6, 2024
 • LASG Bulletin 348: Sentinel rumors, Jul 26, 2024
 • Sentinel, pit production, and a bit more; Why the US is losing the new arms race it started, LASG seminar slides, (video here) Jul 15, 2024
 • Bulletin 347: Plutonium pit/Sentinel warhead overview and discussion by Zoom 7/15/24, 1 pm MDT // NNSA/DOE Santa Fe Town Hall July 22, please come, Jul 10, 2024
    — NNSA Jill Hruby, and DOE-EM Candice Robertson Town Hall Meeting, images and videos
 • Stop the Ukraine War While We Can, Greg Mello, LASG Vlog#1, Jun 24, 2024
 • What we’re up to, and reflections on some opportunities and dangers at hand, Greg Mello, VFP Webinar, Jun 20, 2024
 •$22 billion on LANL pits is a lot to keep up with the Joneses, Greg Mello, Albuquerque Journal, Jun 20, 2024
 • Can U.S. seize the moment for peace?, Greg Mello, Santa Fe New Mexican, Jun 16, 2024
 • Bulletin 346: Momentous events, and two op-eds, Jun 16, 2024
 • Press backgrounder: U.S. Considers Expanding Its Nuclear Arsenal, Jun 10, 2024
 • Bulletin 345: Ukraine strikes Russian early-warning radar against nuclear attack, May 25, 2024
 • "Pit" project is NNSA's largest in 7 decades; huge & rising cost raises questions of scale,value, and sustainability -- and of what Congress knows, press release, May 10, 2024
 • Bulletin 344: Pit production, the largest nuclear warhead infrastructure project in 7 decades / interesting news, May 9, 2024
 • Overview of Pit Production Challenges at Los Alamos National Laboratory, presentation to the Governor's Nuclear Advisory Council, Columbia, SC, Apr 29, 2024 (video here)
 • Bulletin 343: "Russophobia" panel discussion video; upcoming presentation in SC, "Overview of Pit Production Challenges at LANL", Apr 27, 2024
 • Los Alamos to make plutonium cores ("pits") for new ICBM, Savannah River to make pits for new submarine missile warhead, press release, Apr 17, 2024
 • "Russophobia, the Ukraine war, and nuclear weapons," LASG presentation, Peter Kuznick, Steven Starr, & Greg Mello discuss the dangerous phenomenon of "Russophobia" in the West in the context of the potentially widening war in Ukraine, with its attendant nuclear dangers, video, Apr 16, 2024
 • Bulletin 342: Russophobia, the Ukraine war, and nuclear weapons," panel discussion in Santa Fe Tuesday April 16, 6 pm / Pit production: myths and contradictions, Apr 10, 2024
 • Nuclear weapons activities in New Mexico, presentation to No False Solutions Conference in Las Vegas, NM, Mar 23, 2024
 • Huge increase in nuclear warhead funding approved for this year; more requested for next year, press release, Mar 12, 2024
 • Bulletin 341: Pit seminar materials available; Russophobia seminar postponed; big jump in FY24 warhead spending as arms race takes hold; Ukraine losing war sparking panic in West, Mar 4, 2024
 • Update and discussion on pit production Issues including widely held misconceptions: slides, video, Feb 27, 2024
 • Bulletin 340: "Year in Pits;" Zoom update & discussion on pits 2/27; rich opportunities in the land of nuclear (dis)enchantment; end the Ukraine carnage and genocide in Gaza, Feb 22, 2024
 • The Year in Pits, LASG letter to Congressional Colleagues, Jan 30, 2024
 • Nuclear weapons activities in New Mexico, presentation to Youth United for Climate Crisis Action (YUCCA), Jan 15, 2024
 • Bulletin 339: Meetings this month, starting tomorrow (in person) and this Thursday (Zoom); join NM list if interested; please endorse the "Call for Sanity", Jan 1, 2024

 • Bulletin 338: If you haven't done so, please consider a one-time or monthly donation to the Los Alamos Study Group!, Dec 31, 2023
 • Bulletin 337: Please oppose producing new-design ICBM warheads and the new arms race, by (at least) endorsing the "Call for Sanity, Not Nuclear Production", Dec 21, 2023
 • Plutonium warhead factory: it's about new missiles, an arms race, greed, & domination, LASG double-page ad in the Santa Fe Reporter, Dec 20, 2023
 • Plutonium warhead factory under construction near Santa Fe, LASG double-page ad in Santa Fe Reporter, Dec 13, 2023
 • Bulletin 336: Precis on pit production for NM newspaper; Zoom seminars last week (video) and next week (scheduled); Sentinel missile warheads; Santa Fe resolution against pit production; impeachment, Dec 12, 2023
 • Virtual seminar on issues (and misconceptions) in plutonium warhead core ("pit") production today, 11 am MST, press release, Dec 7, 2023
 • Bulletin 335: Zoom seminar on plutonium pit production, December 7, 11 am MST; trainings; the Year of Resistance is coming; help us financially if you can (thank you), Dec 4, 2023
 • Bulletin 334: Thank you for your support, please help support our work in 2024; please join our NM activist mailing list if local or interested; quick note on events & developments, Nov 28, 2023
 • Ramblin’ along the Jornadadel Muerto, presentation to Red Ants Collective, Nov 28, 2023

 • Posturing Ourselves to Death So Contractors can Thrive, Greg Mello, presentation slides, Nov 16, 2023
 • Planning for Doomsday, Steven Starr, presentation slides, Nov 16, 2023
 • YouTube video of the zoom presentations

 • Bulletin 333: In-person & webcast discussion this Thursday 11/16/23 of the new plan being briefed on Capitol Hill to increase U.S. nuclear forces, Nov 12, 2023

Santa Fe City Council meeting Nov 8, 2023, petitions from the floor requesting a resolution against plutonium pit production at LANL, video1; video 2; video 3; video 4
City of Santa Fe draft resolution against plutonium pit production

 • Bulletin 332: Mark your calendars: Nov. 16 forum on the proposed U.S. program to build up the U.S. nuclear arsenal, centrally reliant on LANL's proposed "pit" factory, Oct 26, 2023
 • Bulletin 331: NNSA plutonium warhead core ("pit") production update; Stumbling along, early-to-need, sans schedule and cost estimates, maximizing cost, jeopardizing other programs, Oct 20, 2023
 • Letter from Jean Nichols, Llano, NM to Santa Fe City Council, Oct 11, 2023
 • Organizations, businesses seek Santa Fe City resolution opposing plutonium warhead ("pit") production at LANL Press conference and rally outside Santa Fe City Hall Wednesday, October 11, at noon, press release, Oct 10, 2023
 • Plutonium Pit Factory at LANL: Dead End for New Mexico and the U.S., presentation, Sep 27, 2023
 • "War-life and peace in the U.S. post-democratic decline", Greg Mello, presentation, Sep 24, 2023  – audio here
 • Opposition to Los Alamos nuclear factory grows, building on enduring moral foundations; Meanwhile costs rise, schedules lengthen; waste, safety, transportation issues unresolved, among others, press backgrounder, Aug 23, 2023
 • It is time to request a halt to plutonium pit production at LANL, Greg Mello presentation to NM RHMC, Aug 21, 2023
 • GAO assessment of major NNSA projects finds major cost, schedule overruns, press release, Aug 17, 2023
 • Video (rough cut): "'The real purpose in making the bomb was to subdue the Soviets.'* Now it's happening again, on a vast scale. WHY?" A conversation with acclaimed historian Peter Kuznick and Greg Mello in Los Alamos, July 22, 2023
   — Pit production update slides posted here separately, Jul 22, 2023
 • Los Alamos to metastasize as weapons mission outgrows site; Lab management to present before local government Tuesday 7/18/23, 6 pm MDT, press release, Jul 17, 2023
    — Of interest: DOE/NNSA Proposal for an Innovation Campus, Midtown Santa Fe, Oct 31, 2019
 • "'The real purpose in making the bomb was to subdue the Soviets.'* Now it's happening again, on a vast scale. WHY?" A conversation with acclaimed historian Peter Kuznick, Greg Mello, and community members in Los Alamos, July 22, 6:30 pm, press release, Jul 17, 2023
 • Bulletin 330: "'The real purpose in making the bomb was to subdue the Soviets.'* Now it's happening again, on a vast scale. WHY?" A conversation with acclaimed historian Peter Kuznick and Greg Mello in Los Alamos, July 22, Jul 7, 2023
    – Zoom meeting, Jul 22, 2023, 6:30 PM Mountain Time, Register here in advance for this meeting. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.
 • Journalists to tour LANL plutonium facility, "ground zero" for proposed interim pit manufacturing, press release, Jun 21, 2023
 • Bulletin 329: Russia rules out nuclear disarmament negotiations; second week of Ukrainian offenses fail; what will US and NATO do? Build 60 projects in LANL's Pajarito Corridor?, Jun 17, 2023
 • Bulletin 328: Toward a better pit production policy, part 2 (of interest to some); Zoom discussion on pits tomorrow 6/15/23 5 pm MDT, Jun 14, 2023
 • Bulletin 327: Virtual presentation and discussion this Thursday 5 pm MDT; fundraising; new publications, Jun 12, 2023
 • Toward a viable plutonium pit production plan: part 2, LASG Letter to Congress, Jun 9, 2023
 • NNSA cites Los Alamos National Laboratory for multiple "serious" plutonium safety violations in 2021, press release, May 31, 2023
   — Preliminary Notice of Violation - TRIAD National Security, LLC, May 18, 2023
 • NNSA's effort to restart plutonium warhead "pit" production will cost more than the Manhattan Project. Why is NNSA trying to build two pit factories at once -- one that is adequate, and one that is not?, press backgrounder, May 27, 2023
 • Toward a viable plutonium pit production plan: part 1, LASG Letter to Congress, May 18, 2023
 • Pit Production Startup Costs By Site and Year, May 11, 2023
 • Bulletin 326: Update, fundraising, town hall, Ukraine, pit production now to cost more than the whole Manhattan Project, Apr 26, 2023
 • Schedule for Nuclear Warhead Core ("Pit") Production Slipping, Costs Increasing: NNSA's Strategy is Failing, Mar 22, 2023
 • Warhead agency grades its contractors "very good" to "excellent," as schedules slide and cost overruns mount, press release, Mar 9, 2023
 • Nuclear Famine, The Deadly Consequences of Nuclear War, Steven Starr, Mar 2023
 • Ukraine news and views; Antiwar rally March 18; pending guest editorial; pit production precis, LASG friends ltr, Mar 3, 2023
 • Bulletin 325: Understanding the Nordstream sabotage and punishing those responsible, Feb 18, 2023
 • Bulletin 324: Opposition to Ukraine war gains visibility in New Mexico and via our web site, more broadly, Feb 6, 2023
 • Bulletin 323: "Nuclear Hotseat" interview / Ukraine war updates, Feb 4, 2023
 • Installation of "Base" Capability to Produce 30 Plutonium Warhead Cores ("Pits") at Los Alamos To Be Delayed 4 Years, to 2030, press release, Feb 3, 2023
    – Approval of Critical Decision-2/3 for Los Alamos Plutonium Pit Production Project 30 Base Equipment Installation Subproject and Approval of Project Execution Plan, DOE memo, Jan 19, 2023
 • Bulletin 322: Right and Left To Join in D.C. Protest: ‘Not One More Penny for War in Ukraine’ / Bulletin of Atomic Scientists resets clock, blames Russia, Jan 25, 2023
 • GAO: NNSA's Huge Program to Build New Warhead Cores ("Pits") Lacks Detailed Schedule, Budget, and Scope of Work, press release (2 of 2), Jan 12, 2023
 • Considerations in warhead core ("pit") production policy, briefing for a House member -- updated, Jan 12, 2023
 • First of two press releases: GAO to Release Year-Long Review of NNSA's Largest Warhead Endeavor: Plutonium Pit Production, Jan 11, 2023

 • Bulletin 321: Last day for 2022 donations! / A few quick updates, Dec 31, 2022
 • Bulletin 320: Neocon humiliation -- or nuclear exchange / The centrality of war resistance in moral politics / 3 days left for 1:1 donation match!, Dec 29, 2022
 • Bulletin 319: Ukraine; NDAA: omnibus appropriations bill; fundraising --thank you; some matching funds still available, Dec 21, 2022
 • LASG comments for the DNFSB Nov 16, 2022 hearing record, Dec 16, 2022
 • Bulletin 318: Speak out now against further U.S. escalation in Ukraine; daily updates for your use, Dec 14, 2022
 • Bulletin 317: Internships available, Dec 14, 2022
 • Bulletin 316: Fundraising appeal; THANK YOU, Dec 12, 2022
 • NNSA announces extension of terms for Los Alamos National Laboratory management and operating contract -- Study Group comments, press release, Dec 6, 2022
 • Do New Mexico news outlets care about LANL's plan to re-open nuclear waste disposal on-site? Or to produce still more warhead components?, press reminder, Dec 2, 2022
 • Bulletin 315: Urgent fundraising request, matching grant available! Also: near-daily selected Ukraine updates; updated pit policy recommendations; legislative testimony, Nov 27, 2022
 • Los Alamos lab "agenda:" novel nuclear weapons and new ways to use them, hypersonic nuclear weapons, new nuclear waste disposal facility, additional production missions, biosecurity "leadership," "proactive" counterintelligence, press release, Nov 23, 2022
 • Can we disenthrall ourselves, and save our State?, presentation to the Radioactive & Hazardous Materials committee, NM Legislature, Greg Mello, Nov 14, 2022
 • Bulletin 314: Reminder re next week's antiwar, disarmament, & nuclear safety events: come if you can or tune in, outreach needed; pit interview on KNME tonight 7 pm; fundraising drive continues; erratum, Nov 11, 2022
 • Bulletin 313: Important meeting about Ukraine next week; DNFSB hearing in Santa Fe; more, Nov 7, 2022
 • Biden Administration releases aggressive nuclear strategy envisioning "first use" of nuclear weapons in wars like Ukraine, press release, Oct 27, 2022
 • Chorus Condemning Russia Sings Song of Hypocrisy, Risks Wider War, Greg Mello, Nukewatch Fall 2022
 • LASG final scoping comments on the LANL SWEIS, Oct 18, 2022
 • Bulletin 312: LANL's pit production to be delayed with cost increases; new resources, news; Zoom discussions; critical fundraising outreach needed -- we need you! Oct 6, 2022
 • Bulletin 311: Break the spell, denounce growing U.S. war, Oct 5, 2022
 • Bulletin 310: Speak up! We urge you to take up the call for peace in Ukraine, Sep 25, 2022
 • Bulletin 309: The moment of maximum danger, Sep 22, 2022
 • Considerations in warhead core ("pit") production policy, briefing for House member, Sep 14, 2022
 • Bulletin 308: NNSA "scoping" process at LANL designed to legitimate nuclear weapons, mislead, and distract; best to steer clear, step up real resistance and constructive actions, Sep 11, 2022
 • LASG initial scoping comments on the Site-Wide Environmental Impact Statement (SWEIS) for the Continued Operation of LANL, Sep 11, 2022
 • Citizens call for halt in plutonium pit production at Los Alamos and elsewhere; press conference in Capitol Rotunda tomorrow (Tuesday Aug. 30), 10:30 am MDT, press release, Aug 29, 2022
 • Bulletin 307: Secret master plan for nuclear weapons design, production complex entails massive investments, on top of those revealed to Congress; call for opposition; press conference Tues 8/30/22, Aug 28, 2022
 • Bulletin 306: Please recruit allies in 1) the "Call for Sanity, Not Nuclear Production," 2) our fundraising drive, 3) nuclear careers (ours, not theirs); pitpourri, Aug 21, 2022
 • NNSA to conduct fake "environmental impact statement" process to justify decisions, big future expansion, at Los Alamos, press release, Aug 18, 2022
 • Bulletin 305: Can we make Archbishop Wester's call for nuclear disarmament real, for us?, Aug 9, 2022
 • Bulletin 304: Your support is requested! / "US nuclear weapons since 2020: continuity and change" / Whither disarmament?, Aug 3, 2022
 • Bulletin 303: Fire safety deficiencies at LANL plutonium facility, Jul 27, 2022
 • Bulletin 302: Mid-year fundraising drive: please help support our work!, Jul 26, 2022
 • GAO: current LANL contractor improving safety (NNSA and Triad say), more improvements said needed, press release, Jun 16, 2022
 • Presentation: 'Pope Francis': "World War III has been declared." We agree. Stop LANL's pit factory; Stop the U.S. war against Russia, Jun 15, 2022
 • Bulletin 301: Oppose the war! Demand and create accountability for lawmakers who fund and promote more war in Ukraine, May 16, 2022
 • Grave dangers loom in Ukraine war votes and escalations; opportunities open for journalists and citizens; We urge news media to widen debate, pose questions, create accountability, press release, May 16, 2022
 • NNSA budget request for Los Alamos warhead "pit" project adds five proposed plutonium buildings, fresh rad waste cost overruns, adding $329 million to LANL pit costs, press release, May 9, 2022
 • Warhead plutonium modernization spending, actual & proposed by site, May 6, 2022
 • Bulletin 300: NNSA: early pit production a "hedge," not strictly necessary; is there a "pit gap?", May 3, 2022
 • Bulletin 299: Emergency call to action: stop Biden's proposed $33 billion war escalation, Apr 28, 2022
 • Bulletin 298: Talk on pits & renewed U.S. nuclear weapons production Tuesday evening 4/26/22; antiwar billboard; what you can do, Apr 25, 2022
 • Bulletin 297: LANL pit production is incapable of meaningfully contributing to production requirements, Apr 11, 2022
 • Pit production worksheet, references omitted, Apr 11, 2022
 • Lawsuit seeks agency plans to accelerate production of nuclear warhead cores; Largest program in agency history is effectively secret -- and in trouble, Apr 6, 2022
 • Bulletin 296: The troubled logistics of LANL pit production: how will LANL staff and contractors get to work?, Mar 26, 2022
 • How Will LANL Staff and Contractors Get to Work?, Mar 11, 2022
 • Bulletin 295: "The core debate," Mar 23, 2022
 • Bulletin 294: Please consider forwarding this fine statement from UNAC re Ukraine, Mar 23, 2022
 • In Search of Legitimacy: Peace Grant Making of U.S. Philanthropic Foundations, 1988-1996, Sada Aksartova, Mar 2003 (old, but of renewed importance)
 • Biden nuclear agency plan continues all current and proposed warhead and bombs; 6 warhead programs to run simultaneously, press release, Mar 17, 2022
 • Los Alamos warhead "pit" production preparations begin dangerous 24/7 work in struggle to meet deadlines; STRATCOM: "unlimited money" would not be enough to meet 2030 deadline, press release, Mar 10, 2022
 • Bulletin 293: Ukraine conflict: If you want a ceasefire (as we do), stop firing, Mar 5, 2022
 • Bulletin 292: Statement on the Ukraine conflict and war with Russia, Mar 1, 2022
 • The Ukraine Conflict: What's Behind It? Why Is It Important? Sep 26, 2015 presentation, reposted Feb 25, 2022
 • DOE Inspector General: $128 Million Contract to Upgrade Los Alamos Power Plant with Private Financing May Be Illegal, Feb 15, 2022
 • Nuclear Warhead Agency Admits Los Alamos Likely to Miss Interim Warhead Core Deadlines, Review of value, cost, of Los Alamos factory needed, press release, Feb 12, 2022
 • NNSA’s Evaluation Of Triad’s Performance Last Year: More Candor Please. There Is Trouble Ahead, Mello op-ed, Los Alamos Reporter, Feb 11, 2022
 • Nuclear Agency releases 2021 contractor evaluations for LANL and other sites, press release, Feb 10, 2022
 • Bulletin 291: Don't enable a crash program for new ICBM warheads!, Jan 26, 2022
 • Can Santa Fe survive as a nuclear weapons suburb?, Mello, Santa Fe New Mexican,Jan 16, 2022
 • Organizations Call for Elimination of ‘Launch on Warning’ Land-Based Nuclear Missiles in the United States;Crash Program of Plutonium Warhead Core ("Pit") Production at Los Alamos Predicated Solely on Novel Missile Warheads, in Larger Numbers, press release, Jan 12, 2022
 • Is the Department of Energy (DOE) going to conduct a new Site Wide Environmental Impact Statement (SWEIS) for Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL), and if so what would it mean?, press note, Jan 7, 2022
 • Assuring Destruction Forever, 2022 edition, Reaching Critical Will, WILPF, Jan 2022, (includes US chapter by LASG)

2021- LASG products & presentations
 • Bulletin 290: Please help support our work in the coming year; positions available; good news for 2022, Dec 31, 2021
 • Bulletin 289: NNSA lukewarm about plan to produce plutonium pits at LANL; new NDAA requires reporting on changing costs, risks, pit requirements, and a real waste plan, Dec 23, 2021
 • Bulletin 288: US nuclear weapons since 2020: continuity and change, Dec 7, 2021
 • US nuclear weapons since 2020: continuity & change, Dec 7, 2021
     – Update on US Nuclear Weapons Modernization for the International Disarmament Community, May 13, 2020
 • How New Mexico Could Become A Climate Leader, Greg Mello, Los Alamos Reporter, Nov 24, 2021
 • Bulletin 287: Nov 5 demonstration and workshops; NM greenhouse gas emissions have risen by about half under the current administration; legislative testimony on plutonium pit production, Nov 22, 2021
 • Unprecedented weapons production mission at LANL threatens regional decline, loss of autonomy: what can this committee do?, Greg Mello, slides, Radioactive & Hazardous Materials Committee, Nov 12, 2021
     – Video of Greg Mello's testimony
     – LASG followup letter to RHMC Chair Sen Steinborn, Nov 13, 2021
 • Reclaim resources, build resilient communities -- not plutonium bombs, LASG demonstration, plenary workshops, & dialogue, Fri, Nov 5, 2021
 • Join the Los Alamos Study Group on Friday, Nov. 5th, east side of State Capitol, 12:00 to 5:00 pm for a demonstration, plenary workshops, and dialogue; Reclaim resources, build resilient communities -- not plutonium bombs, press release, Nov 2, 2021
 • Bulletin 286: Demonstration and workshops Nov. 5 in Santa Fe; LANL estimates $18 billion in pit costs this decade, $80 million/pit, Oct 28, 2021
 • Will energy monopolies & the nuclear cartel control NM's future?, LASG full-page ad, Santa Fe New Mexican, Sun, Oct 24, 2021
 • Will energy monopolies & the nuclear cartel control NM's future?, LASG double-page ad, Santa Fe Reporter, Oct 20, 2021
 • LANL pit production: fifth failure in progress, LASG presentation, Sep 30, 2021
     – video of presentation on our YouTube channel
 • How deep a ‘pit’ will Biden dig at LANL?, Mello, Los Alamos Reporter, Sep 29, 2021
 • How deep a ‘pit’ will Biden dig at LANL?, Mello, Albuquerque Journal, Sep 26, 2021
 • Plutonium warhead factory under construction near Santa Fe. LASG double-page ad, Santa Fe Reporter, Sep 29, 2021
 • Bulletin 285: NNSA: LANL pits critical for new warhead; full page ads; why LANL can't make enough pits; join us in Santa Fe Sep 30, Sep 22, 2021
 • Plutonium warhead factory under construction near Santa Fe, LASG double-page ad, Santa Fe Reporter, Sep 22, 2021
 • Plutonium warhead factory under construction near Santa Fe, LASG full-page ad, Albuquerque Journal, Sun, Sep 19, 2021
 • Bulletin 284: How deep a ‘pit’ will the new administration dig at Los Alamos before stopping?, Sep 17, 2021
 • Column: How deep a ‘pit’ will the new administration dig at Los Alamos before stopping?, Greg Mello, Aiken Standard, Sep 16, 2021
 • Full-page ad rejected by the Santa Fe New Mexican, Sep 19, 2021
 • Build strong communities, not plutonium bombs, EDDM postcard campaign, Sep 15, 2021
 • Q-station on Central Ave in ABQ, photo by LASG, (see our Jul 28 letter on Q-station), Aug 26, 2021
 • What will NNSA's plutonium pit production cost?, Aug 24, 2021, (with accompanying spreadsheet below)
     – Plutonium expenses based on FY22 Congressional Budget Request final, Aug 24, 2021
 • Build strong communities, not plutonium bombs, LASG door hanger campaign, Aug 2021
     – Door hanger campaign cover letter, Aug 26, 2021
 • NNSA proposes new plutonium processing facility at LANL, Aug 11, 2021
 • Background briefing for new volunteers, Jul 29, 2021
 • Aerial Photos of Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL) & surrounding areas Apr & Jun 2021
 • Bulletin 283 followup: Working links to photos; outreach orientation Thursday pm in Santa Fe, Jul 25, 2021
 • Bulletin 283: Interesting new aerial photos of LANL Jul 23, 2021
 • Bulletin 282: New billboard: "One bomb core: $50 million -- or 1,000 teachers. Choose." Jul 21, 2021
 • Bulletin 281: LANL pit production: fifth failure in progress, Jul 16, 2021
 • LANL Pit Production: Fifth Failure In Progress, Los Alamos Reporter, Jul 15, 2021
 • Los Alamos lab: Plutonium is good for you, Mello, Santa Fe New Mexican, Jul 15, 2021
 • Letter to some congressional staff re: ongoing failure of pit plans at LANL, Jul 8, 2021
 • Faking it: the Biden administration's foreign & nuclear weapons policies. What Can Be Done?, presentation, Jul 1, 2021
 • NNSA approves plutonium warhead core ("pit") factory in South Carolina, press backgrounder, Jun 29, 2021
 • Administration budget for warhead cores ("pits") jumps again, as Biden team struggles with Trump's rushed "double-factory" plan, press release, Jun 1, 2021
 • Scoping comments on the proposed EA for the Electrical Power Capacity Upgrade Project (EPCU) at LANL and the Santa Fe National Forest (SFNF), May 21, 2021
 • Los Alamos National Lab seeks up to 100,000 sq. ft. of laboratory space somewhere within 50 miles, press release, May 6, 2021
 • Slides from public discussion, "What you can do," Apr 29, 2021
 • NNSA announces huge cost increase for mysterious LANL plutonium warhead project, press release, Apr 28, 2021
 • Third power line proposed for Los Alamos; environmental assessment process starting, press release, Apr 19, 2021
 • Letter to Santa Fe City Council re: Regional Coalition of LANL Communities (RCLC), Mar 29, 2021
 • Second billboard opposing nuclear bomb factory near Santa Fe installed, press release, Mar 15, 2021
 • LANL leases second office complex in Santa Fe as nuclear weapons growth pushes admin staff off "The Hill", press release, Mar 8, 2021
 • LANL releases 2021 "Site Sustainability Plan" for "rapidly changing and growing mission", press release, Feb 24, 2021
 • "Biophilia vs. the Capitalist Death Cult," or "St. Francis vs. Plutopia," Mello, Santa Fe New Mexican, Feb 21, 2021
 • Surplus Plutonium Disposition Program Environmental Impact Statement (SPDP-EIS) comments, Feb 18, 2021
 • Los Alamos nuclear weapons lab to open offices in Santa Fe; Shift in identity, values feared for "Royal City of the Holy Faith of Saint Francis", press release, Feb 10, 2021
 • New billboard raises awareness of multibillion-dollar plutonium bomb factory under construction near Santa Fe -- meanwhile -- Santa Fe County Commission tacitly endorses expanded LANL plutonium bomb production, press release, Feb 3, 2021
 • Bulletin 280: Human survival, and nuclear disarmament, require revolutionary change , Jan 25, 2021
 • Bulletin 279: Thank you; no Capitol demonstration 1/19/21 obviously; Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons; more , Jan 17, 2021

 • "Structural Features Making NNSA an Unusual Federal Agency," memo for VP Biden, 2016

Plutonium Bomb Core "Pit" Production

Related news media
 • How to Make a ‘War Reserve’ Nuclear Bomb, The Progressive Magazine, Sep 5, 2024
 • July 22 NNSA Townhall: The Question of Need, Suzie Schwartz, La Jicarita, Aug 3, 2024
 • An artist's nuclear reaction, Santa Fe New Mexican, Aug 1, 2024
 • Recent lawsuit highlights city's struggle to respond to records requests in a timely manner, Santa Fe New Mexican, Aug 1, 2024
 • New Mexicans and Fed Clash over LANL Weapons Plan, KSFR, Jul 23, 2024
 • Anti-nuclear advocates decry LANL pit production plans, Santa Fe New Mexican, Jul 22, 2023
 • Anti-nuclear group sues Santa Fe for slow records response, Santa Fe New Mexican, May 6, 2024
 • US nuclear agency struggles with production and costs, Physics Today, May 1, 2024
 • At S.C. meeting, some head-nodding over anti's stance that SRS should make all pits, Exchange Monitor, Apr 30, 2024
 • Reports: 2 mishaps at LANL in one day, Santa Fe New Mexican, Apr 8, 2024
 • Los Alamos National Lab's budget could grow to a record $5 billion in next fiscal year, Santa Fe New Mexican, with published comments by Greg Mello, Mar 12, 2024
 • Global Warfare “Summit” Summons National Priority, Pressenza, Mar 2, 2024
 • Belly of the Beast: LASG's Greg Mello at DC Nuclear Deterrence Summit, Nuclear Hotseat, Feb 27, 2024
 • LANL's prototype plutonium bomb core passes key tests, Santa Fe New Mexican, with published comment by Greg Mello, Feb 19, 2024
 • Veterans for Peace on the dangers of the Nuclear Industrial Complex, Feb 15, 2024
 • Los Alamos National Laboratory logs two more skin-contamination incidents, Santa Fe New Mexican, Feb 5, 2024
 • US nuclear agency isn't consistent in tracking costs for some construction projects, report says, Associated Press, Jan 25, 2024
 • Report: Another LANL worker's skin contaminated, Santa Fe New Mexican, with published comment by Greg Mello, Jan 16, 2024
 • Report: Radioactive contaminants found on Los Alamos National Lab worker's skin, Santa Fe New Mexican, Jan 9, 2024
 • Santa Fe city councilor pulls resolution opposing plutonium pit production at LANL, Santa Fe New Mexican, with published comment by Greg Mello, Jan 4, 2024
 • Nuclear Option, Santa Fe Reporter, Jan 3, 2024

2023 - media
 • Energy officials grant more time to comment on LANL power line plan, Santa Fe New Mexican, with published comment by Greg Mello, Dec 28, 2023
 • LANL restricted for now from plan to dilute, dispose of plutonium, Santa Fe New Mexican, with published comment by Greg Mello, Dec 28, 2023
 • Glovebox fire closed part of LANL plutonium facility in November, Santa Fe New Mexican, with published comment by Greg Mello, Dec 19, 2023
 • Glovebox Fire shuts portion of LANL plutonium lab for nearly a month, Exchange Monitor, Dec 12, 2023
 • Workers Are Getting Paid to Do Nothing at Los Alamos National Laboratory, The Nation, Nov 9, 2023
 • Chess, cards and catnaps in the heart of America’s nuclear weapons complex, Searchlight New Mexico, Nov 8, 2023
 • Lab contractor cited for 2022 glove box breach, Santa Fe New Mexican, with published comment by Greg Mello, Nov 3, 2023
 • Amid current upgrades, commission foresees replacing LANL plutonium facility, Santa Fe New Mexican, with Greg Mello's published comments, Oct 20, 2023
 • Wrap up: ...Antis denounce LANL pit production, Exchange Monitor, Oct 13, 2023
 • Anti-nuclear activists push City Council to oppose LANL pit production, Santa Fe New Mexican, Oct 11, 2023
 • Eight workers exposed to beryllium dust at LANL, a recurring problem, Santa Fe New Mexican, Sep 27, 2023
 • Birthplace of the atomic bomb braces for its biggest mission since the top-secret Manhattan Project, Associated Press, Sep 23, 2023
 • Plutonium Pits, New Bombs, Los Alamos Never Learns – Greg Mello, Nuclear Hotseat, Sep 5, 2023
 • LANL's plutonium facility appears seismically sound, safety board say, Santa Fe New Mexican, Sep 5, 2023
 • GAO: Lab faces four-year delay, cost growth for making nuclear bomb cores, Santa Fe New Mexican, with published comment by Greg Mello, Aug 18, 2023
 • LANL exploring mini-campus for Santa Fe or Bernalillo County, Santa Fe New Mexican, with published comments from Greg Mello, Aug 5, 2023
 • Oppenheimer: The Real Plan for U.S. Nuclear Domination, Then and Now, Brian Becker, BreakThroughNews, Jul 27, 2023
 • CovertAction Bulletin: “The Past Is Not Past” – Oppenheimer and the U.S. Nuclear Program Today, Covert Action Magazine, Jul 26, 2023
 • In the Lab Oppenheimer Built, the U.S. Is Building Nuclear Bomb Cores Again, W.J. Hennigan, TIME, Jul 24, 2023
 • ‘The Real Purpose In Making The Bomb Was To Subdue The Soviets.’ Now It’s Happening Again, On A Vast Scale. Why? – July 22 At Fuller Lodge, Los Alamos Reporter, Jul 19, 2023
 • Los Alamos workforce will level off at about 20,000 by 2025, Triad official says, Exchange Monitor, Jul 19, 2023
 • Wester says New Mexico has to lead on nuclear weapon disarmament, Santa Fe New Mexican, Jul 16, 2023, with published comment by Greg Mello
 • Safety Lapses at Los Alamos National Laboratory, Searchlight New Mexico, Jul 13, 2023
 • Archbishop to denounce nuclear arms on Trinity test's 78th anniversary, Santa Fe New Mexican, Jul 10, 2023, with published comment by Greg Mello
 • Los Alamos Plutonium Pit Production, Laura Paskus, New Mexico in Focus, Jun 30, 2023 (second half of this episode)
 • Lawmakers seek clearer picture of nuclear command and control, Colin Demarest, C4ISRNET, Jun 12, 2023
 • The ABCs of a Nuclear Education, Searchlight New Mexico, Jun 7, 2023
 • Los Alamos National Lab contractor cited for 2021 violations, with published comments by Greg Mello, Santa Fe New Mexican, Jun 2, 2023
 • Triad Hit By DOE With Preliminary Notice Of Violation For 5 Nuclear Safety Issues At Plutonium Facility PF4 In 2021, Los Alamos Reporter, May 31, 2023
 • `Oppenheimer': The retelling in the movies has promise, Santa Fe New Mexican, with published comments by Greg Mello, May 22, 2023
 • New Mexico shouldn't be the nation's nuclear dump, Santa Fe New Mexican, with published comments by Greg Mello, May 13, 2023
 • US nuclear weapons modernization plan spurs cost questions, Associated Press, Apr 26, 2023. Also in: The Hill, U.S. News & World Report, Santa Fe New Mexican, Albuquerque Journal, The Washington Post, The Seattle Times, South Carolina Public Radio, NewsNation, CTV News, WSB Radio, National Post, The Independent (UK), & many others.
 • Uncontaminated water accidentally released into basement of LANL plutonium facility, Santa Fe New Mexican, Apr 24, 2023
 • Despite unknowns, NNSA plunges ahead on plutonium pits, Physics Today, Apr 2023
 • Oppenheimer in a new light: Documentary arrives ahead of feature film, Santa Fe New Mexican, with published comments by Greg Mello, Apr 12, 2023
 • NNSA Administrator Jill Hruby Offers Frank Answers On LANL Plutonium Pit Production And More During Hybrid Town Hall Meeting In Santa Fe, Los Alamos Reporter, Apr 11, 2023
 • 'Stop making nuclear weapons': Activists press federal chief on LANL pit push, Santa Fe New Mexican, Apr 4, 2023
 • Los Alamos National Lab operator gets good review, but safety, production concerns remain, with published comments by Greg Mello, Santa Fe New Mexican, Mar 13, 2023
 • LANL still has responsibility to monitor Russian nukes after treaty suspension, lab head says, (with published comment by Greg Mello), Santa Fe New Mexican, Feb 27, 2023
 • US takes another step toward gearing up nuclear pit factory, AP, Feb 10, 2023
 • Anti-nuclear activist opposes helping Ukraine, encourages peace, Santa Fe New Mexican, Feb 5, 2023
 • Deputy Secretary Of Energy Approves CD2/3 For Los Alamos Plutonium Pit Production Project 30 Base Equipment Installation Subproject, Los Alamos Reporter, Feb 3, 2023
 • Los Alamos will have equipment to make 30 nuke cores by 2030, according to DOE memo, Exchange Monitor, Feb 3, 2023
 • Greg Mello of Los Alamos Study Group takes on Nuclear Deterrence Summit Warmongers!, The Nuclear Hotseat, Jan 31, 2023
 • US nuclear agency falls short on scheduling, cost estimates, Associated Press, Jan 12, 2023
 • GAO: Cost, time estimates for making nuclear bomb cores flawed, Santa Fe New Mexican, Jan 12, 2023
 • NNSA Has No Reliable Schedule, Cost Estimates For Pits, GAO Says, Defense Daily, Jan 11, 2023
 • $10 Trillion for Nuclear War: Racing to the Nuclear Cliff, The Socialist Program with Brian Becker, Jan 10, 2023
 • LANL's record $4.6B budget will still mostly fund nuclear weapons, Santa Fe New Mexican, Jan 4, 2023

2022 - media
 • Who decides priorities for New Mexico?, Nancy King, Santa Fe New Mexican, Dec 18, 2022
 • LANL would aid in diluting plutonium in controversial disposal plan, Santa Fe New Mexican, with Greg Mello comments, Dec 17, 2022
 • Military spending bill would give LANL record budget, with Greg Mello comments, Santa Fe New Mexican, Dec 16, 2022
 • LANL operating contract to be extended 5 years, with Greg Mello comments, Santa Fe New Mexican, Dec 6, 2022
 • Federal audit calls out managers, contractor at Nevada National Security Site, The Nevada Independent, Dec 4, 2022
   - U1A Complex Enhancements Project, DOE-OIG-23-09, Nov 2022
 • Watchdog agency grills LANL, nuclear officials on lab safety, Santa Fe New Mexican, Nov 16, 2022
 • LANL remains key part of U.S. nuclear weapons plan, Santa Fe New Mexican, Oct 27, 2022
 • LANL's pit production a year behind schedule, Santa Fe New Mexican, Oct 4, 2022
 • COVID-19 created more than a year's worth of delays for pit production at Los Alamos, lab said, Exchange Monitor Publications, Morning Briefing, Sep 27, 2022
 • Agency to hold public comment on Los Alamos National Lab sitewide review, Santa Fe New Mexican, (with comment by Greg Mello), Sep 12, 2022
 • NNSA, Please Repair Your Broken NEPA Process Or Don’t Bother With It, Los Alamos Reporter, Greg Mello, commentary, Sep 12, 2022
 • Letter from New Mexico: "Nuclear Bombs are US," Capitol Hill Citizen, Carol Miller, Sep 2022
 • County Receives Special Use Permit Application For Self-Storage Facility At Mari Mac Shopping Center, Los Alamos Reporter Sep 7, 2022
 • Los Alamos National Laboratory 2021 Campus Master Plan Reveals Plans For Extensive Infrastructure Transformation, Los Alamos Reporter Sep 5, 2022
 • LANL's astounding growth also creates added pressure on safety, accountability, Santa Fe New Mexican, Aug 29, 2022
 • Watchdog groups call review at US nuclear lab ‘sham’ process, Associated Press, Aug 19, 2022
 • Federal agency to conduct sitewide review of Los Alamos National Laboratory, Santa Fe New Mexican, Aug 19, 2022
 • Federal report: LANL has deficiencies in fire safety systems,Santa Fe New Mexican, Jul 26, 2022
 • Faulty ventilation seal caused radioactive leak at LANL, Santa Fe New Mexican, Jul 7, 2022
 • Oversight office says LANL operator safer than predecessor but still lacking, Santa Fe New Mexican, Jun 21, 2022
 • Nuclear agency plans five new plutonium buildings at Los Alamos lab, Santa Fe New Mexican, May 18, 2022
 • Escalation in Ukraine: The Nuclear War Danger is Real, Brian Becker & Greg Mello discuss the U.S. policy of waging proxy war on Russia, BreakThrough News, May 4, 2022
 • NNSA, Pentagon ‘sorting out’ pit needs; new pits are ‘a hedge,’ NNSA administrator says, Exchange Monitor, Apr 29, 2022
 • NATO, Russia and Nuclear Threats, Institute for Public Accuracy, Apr 15, 2022
 • US nuclear agency sued over public records requests, Associated Press, Apr 6, 2022
     – Also published in the Santa Fe New Mexican,, El Paso, Inc.
 • The core debate: A multi-billion-dollar project to make plutonium cores... Searchlight New Mexico, Mar 23, 2022
     – With Russia at war in Ukraine, US ramps up nuclear-weapons mission at Los Alamos. Is it a 'real necessity'?, USA Today, Mar 23, 2022
     – Also published in the Alamogordo Daily News, Carlsbad Current Argus, Farmington Daily Times, Las Cruces Sun-News, Ruidoso News, Silver City Sun-News & The Paper - Albuquerque.
 • The Huge Gap Between How Serious Nuclear War Is And How Seriously It’s Being Taken,, Mar 16, 2022
 • Nuclear expert speaks on the dangers of war between the US and Russia, World Socialist Web Site, Mar 15, 2022
 • Indigenous pueblos, environmentalists fight back against Los Alamos intrusion onto sacred land, Liberation, Mar 10, 2022
 • A Proposed Solution to the Ukraine War, linked on The Automatic Earth, Mar 8, 2022
 • A Proposed Solution to the Ukraine War, Zeit-Fragen Cooperative, Current Concerns, Mar 7, 2022
 • A Proposed Solution to the Ukraine War,Consortium News, Greg Mello, Mar 7, 2022
 • Government Watchdog: LANL's planned steam power plant lacks promised savings, Santa Fe New Mexican, Feb 15, 2022
 • LANL contractor gets good rating from feds but had safety lapses, Santa Fe New Mexican, Feb 10, 2022
 • NNSA Announces New Progress On Los Alamos National Laboratory Plutonium Pit Production Production, Los Alamos Reporter, Jan 14, 2022
 • Nuclear Madness + Leadership Acquiescence = Extreme Risk to All, Retake our Democracy, Jan 14, 2022
 • Archbishop Wester Says Urgency Of Nuclear Disarmament Conversation Is Clear, Los Alamos Reporter, Jan 11, 2022
 • Los Alamos Study Group Responds To DOE/NNSA Announcement Of Plans For LANL Site-Wide Environmental Impact Statement, Los Alamos Reporter, Jan 8, 2022

2021 - media
 • New Mexico tribes concerned about plan to power nuclear lab, Associated Press, Dec 29, 2021
 • Some LANL plutonium stored in vulnerable containers, Santa Fe New Mexican, Dec 22, 2021
 • Bill with cleanup funds for LANL, Cannon and Holloman bases heads to president, Santa Fe New Mexican, Dec 16, 2021
 • Mason: LANL gearing up to produce nuclear triggers, Santa Fe New Mexican, Dec 2, 2021
 • LANL's improperly stored nuclear safes raise larger concerns, Santa Fe New Mexican, Nov 1, 2021
 • Unforeseen disruptions to Los Alamos pit production would jeopardize new warhead, warns NNSA boss, Aiken Standard, Sep 18, 2021
     – Letter from NNSA Administrator Jill Hruby to Congresswoman Liz Cheney, Aug 25, 2021
 • MOX failed. But plutonium pit production is different, argues NNSA exec, Aiken Standard, Aug 21, 2021
 • Radioactive water spill prompts investigation at Los Alamos lab, Santa Fe New Mexican, Aug 16, 2021
 • NNSA moving on new facility to dispose of plutonium - greens, Energy Daily, Aug 12, 2021
 • Los Alamos can meet its pit production milestones, officials believe. SRS can’t, Aiken Standard, Aug 5, 2021
 • Energy Department: Cap rather than clean up Los Alamos lab waste site, (with comment by Greg Mello), Santa Fe New Mexican, Jul 31, 2021
 • Earthquake shakes small Northern N.M. town, Santa Fe New Mexican, Jul 12, 2021
 • Plutonium pit production in SC might happen in 2035. The target was 2030, Aiken Standard, Jun 12, 2021
 • Billions of dollars and late? Biden’s budget highlights potential SRS pit problems, Aiken Standard, Jun 4, 2021
 • Biden proposes $1 billion for nuclear weapons work, Santa Fe New Mexican, May 28, 2021
 • LANL returns to Santa Fe just as pit production is approved, Albuquerque Journal, May 2, 2021
 • Disbelief haunts NNSA’s early approval of Los Alamos pit production project, Aiken Standard, Apr 30, 2021
 • US pushes ahead with nuclear plans despite watchdog concerns, Associated Press, Apr 29, 2021
 • SRS pit production pitch not nixed by decision to move forward at Los Alamos National Lab, Aiken Standard, Apr 28, 2021
 • Los Alamos lab power line to stretch through national forest, Santa Fe New Mexican, Apr 20, 2021
 • US lab looks to boost power supply ahead of nuclear mission, Associated Press, Apr 20, 2021
 • Public input begins for new LANL power line, Albuquerque Journal, Apr 19, 2021
 • Sparks flying from nuclear waste barrel prompt investigation, Santa Fe New Mexican, Apr 2, 2021
 • Santa Fe City Council To Consider Adopting Amended Regional Coalition Of LANL Communities JPA Today, Los Alamos Reporter, Mar 31, 2021
 • New Mexico demands more of US when addressing nuclear waste, Associated Press, Mar 14, 2021
 • Nuclear weapon facilities to expand in New Mexico, Pressenza, Mar 9, 2021
 • The long-term problem of “peaceful” plutonium, Robert Alvarez, Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, Mar 8, 2021
 • Can the Energy Department store 50 tons of weapons-grade plutonium for 10,000 years?, Robert Alvarez, Bulletin of Atomic Scientists, Mar 8, 2021
 • US nuclear lab to relocate hundreds of workers in New Mexico, Associated Press, Mar 8, 2021
 • LANL to bring 500 to work in Santa Fe, Santa Fe New Mexican, Mar 8, 2021
 • LANL signs two more leases in Santa Fe, Albuquerque Journal North, Mar 8, 2021
 • Design plans for pit production, MOX conversion submitted to Energy Department, Aiken Standard, Mar 8, 2021
 • Review of pit production, other nuke projects on new deputy defense secretary’s radar, Aiken Standard, Feb 10, 2021
 • Los Alamos National Laboratory Signs Lease On Santa Fe Office, Los Alamos Reporter, Feb 10, 2021
 • LANL signs lease for downtown Santa Fe office, Santa Fe New Mexican, Feb 10, 2021
 • Report: LANL not managing forests to prevent wildfires, Santa Fe New Mexican, Feb 9, 2021
 • US, Russia Can Seek Missile Defense INF Limits After New START Deal - Arms, UrduPoint, Feb 6, 2021
 • Citizen Groups To Celebrate Treaty On Prohibition Of Nuclear Weapons Friday In Los Alamos And Santa Fe, Los Alamos Reporter, Jan 21, 2021
 • LANL improves but still needs work, federal report says, Santa Fe New Mexican, Jan 18, 2021
 • Under Trump, the nuclear weapons industry has boomed, Center for Public Integrity, Jan 21, 2021 (update)

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