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For immediate release August 1, 2024

Art reception for new mural supporting resistance to nuclear production Saturday August 3, 2-4 pm, CloudCliff Building in Santa Fe

Contact: Greg Mello, 505-577-8563 cell, or Bex Hampton, 505-545-9578

Permalink * Prior press releases

Albuquerque, NM:

Please join the Los Alamos Study Group, the Axle Contemporary gallery, and CloudCliff proprietor Willem Malten for an informal community reception with artist Chip Thomas, aka jetsonorama, this Saturday August 3rd, from 2-4 pm, at the Cloud Cliff Building (1805 2nd Street, Santa Fe, map), where Chip and a crew of local volunteers have been working since last Thursday to install a powerful new mural in support of our community’s resistance to nuclear weapons production.

Dr. Thomas also has work in Axle Contemporary's current exhibition, Art & Activism, which will be on-site Saturday. From Axle's introduction:
Chip was working as a doctor on a remote area of the Navajo Nation for the past 36 years, and making compelling and important wheatpaste installations for fifteen years. He began these on abandoned roadside buildings across the Rez, but has gained more and more exposure and recognition in the past years, and now travels to make work in places far away from his home (Brazil, California, Colorado, North Carolina...). Last year Chip retired from his job at IHS, and is now making art full-time.

Chip’s mural is about the promise vs. the reality of nuclear energy and weaponry, and serves as a critique of the bomb factory being built in Los Alamos, and a call-to-action for the Santa Fe community to rally together in opposition to this imminent reality. In addition to Chip’s imagery, the mural presents information from The Los Alamos Study Group, providing information on how people can take action towards a better future for our community, locally and planet-wide.”
You can see more of Chip's very interesting and beautiful work here.

Initial indications lead us to expect a good turnout for this event.


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2901 Summit Place NE Albuquerque, NM 87106, Phone: 505-265-1200